Player Meets Player [Ch.9]

Sep 24, 2010 19:15

Author: YukiBooPairing: Yunho/Jaejoong
Genre: Romance, Fluff, Highschool-AU, Humor, Angst, Drama
Summary: Kim Jaejoong is the well-known heartbreaker in KiJu High while Jung Yunho is the ever so popular heartthrob from Chunsang High. World peace ends when Jung Yunho is transferred into Kim Jaejoong's school.

Where the students are unfathomably gorgeous
Where the bitches don't get their ways 
Where fangirls lose blood over nosebleeds
Where there's an overdose of idiotic msn convos
Welcome to KiJu High

"Yunho?" he could hear a faint voice calling his name. Yunho moved his head to face the source of the voice and tried to open his eyes but his eyelids felt too damn heavy. "Yunho," the owner of the sweet voice called out once more, now lightly shaking Yunho's shoulders. Yunho groaned and finally forced his eyes open, rapidly blinking to register the...


What the hell?

Weren't I supposed to wake up to blinding white light? To the beeping of the heart monitor? You know... in the hospital?! Then I was supposed to ask 'what's going on?' then... then my lovely sweetheart would come crying into my arms, hugging me tightly and asking if I was okay! Fuck this. Why didn't I get a scene like those in the movies?

He frowned and tried to sit up but a hand landed softly on his chest and he heard that same voice speak again.

"You. Stay. You gotta rest that head of yours so you can fully recover by tomorrow and come play with us."

Is it just me, or did that statement make me sound like a dog?

He heard a clicking noise before sudden brightness attacked his vision, making him close his eyes.

Oh, well there's my blinding white light. He opened his eyes again and was greeted by the pleasant sight of Jaejoong trying to get the flashlight to stand upright, completely and utterly failing.

He smiled. And here's my sweetheart.

"Hmp." Jaejoong finally gave up and just opted to holding the flashlight up, blinking at Yunho.

"Okay then, since you're awake I'm gonna go back to my own tent. Goodnight!"

"Wait, wait!" Jaejoong stopped and looked back at Yunho with a raised eyebrow.

"So you mean... if I wasn't awake yet, you'd actually stay with me for the whole night?" Yunho smirked.

Jaejoong laughed and threw Yoochun's pillow at him.

"Mrs. Choi asked one of us to watch over you and since our friends think that I was the one responsible for you damaging that empty head of yours, here I am, stuck in here."

"Are you sure you were forced to stay here? That you didn't volunteer to?" Yunho asked in a playful tone, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Stop it you little... bug! I'm gonna go get Yoochun now."

"Why don't you just stay here? You already spent your day watching over me anyways."

"What makes you think I watched you for the whole day?"

"You're not denying it."

"Shut up and go back to sleep. Night."

Yunho smiled, enjoying the faint blush on Jaejoong's cheeks, illuminated by the strong light. Jaejoong unzipped the tent and scurried off, yelling out Yoochun's name before zipping the tent close again. He laid back down with a goofy grin on his face, he could vaguely remember a nice lady talking to him and treating his wounds and beside her was the ever so worried Jaejoong asking multiple questions.

How am I supposed to go back to sleep?

He heard the zipper being opened and Yoochun's cheerful 'hey!' Yunho turned to him, glad to have someone to talk to. He decided that he would keep Yoochun up as late as he could.

Yoochun crawled out of his shared tent with Yunho, waking up to the excited chatters of his friends.

"Come on guys! Shut up!"

"No Chunnie, get up! We're hitting the beach!" Junsu clapped his hands together and proceeded to drag Yoochun up.

Yunho passed by the couple and felt a tad bit guilty. He did keep Yoochun up quite late.

A bag full who-knows-what was shoved in his hands, making him stumble a little.

"What the hell is in this?!"

"I dunno, ask Changmin." Jaejoong replied before walking off and grabbing the volleyball net. Rain was quickly by his side, smiling and offering to carry it instead. Jaejoong nodded gratefully and walked off again, joining Key in packing their lunches.

Yunho scoffed and dragged the burden in his hands, walking over to Changmin and shoving the bag in his hands.

"You're perfectly capable of carrying that," he patted Changmin's back and decided to help carry the lunch baskets.

"I got this," he said and lifted all four baskets.

Jaejoong and key both mumbled their thanks and smiled at him, hurrying to help prepare some other things they deemed important.

"Sheesh, such busy people." Yunho shook his head, watching the bustles or his friends.

"Ready guys?" Siwon asked, receiving a chorus of gibber in return. "Uh guys, it's a yes or no question."

"YEAH!" Was the louder response and he grinned brightly before starting forward, leading his group of friends towards the beach.

"And then I heard Joongie's LOUD yelling! I was like wtf!" Junsu tattled excitedly as if no one had seen it happen themselves. "So I ran over and followed his voice, I thought he was getting killed or something- "

"Yeah and then you completely forgot about your 'dying friend' when you saw that stupid coconut lying evily on that ground." Jaejoong interrupted.

"It is so not stupid!" Junsu gasped. "It's a great addition to my collection! I shall name it- "

"WE'RE HEEEERE!" His boyfriend interrupted him and he pouted, smacking Yoochun on the back of the head. It was a mistake feeding him a chocolate bar after breakfast in hopes to waking him up. Now the man was on sugar high.

Everyone cheered and ran ahead while Junsu stayed back, smiling as Yunho placed an arm around Jaejoong's shoulder. He didn't get shoved away.

I shall name it the Yunjae coconut. The evil genius Yunjae coconut. It deserves to be framed.

"Mine!" Donghae shouted out, bumping the volleyball. It went soaring up, over the net and Jaejoong jumped high, spiking it back to the opposing team.

"YEAH!" His team cheered happily as Donghae's team failed to save the ball. The other guys groaned and tossed the ball away, frustrated. This was their third time losing!

"You know what guys, let's just go swim! We didn't come here for volleyball!" Siwon declared, stripping off his shirt.

"Yeah, you came here to lose!" Heechul cackled before running off to the water, followed by everyone else.


The group played around in the water, riding the waves as they got bigger and stronger making it hard for them to get to the farther part of the beach.

Yunho and Changmin snickered as they carefully dug a small hole under the water with their feet, making sure no one saw them.

"Yah Key! Come here we need to ask you something" they snickered once again, stepping behind the hidden hole.

"Wha- AH!" They out right laughed as Key lost his footing after stepping into their trap. Success.

The diva sprung back up and glared dangerously at them.

"You. Guys. Are. SO. DEAD!" His voice got more vicious by the end of the sentence and the duo took that as their cue to run.

"WATER TAG!" Jonghyun yelled out and everyone joined in the running, some falling into 'HoMin's Little Trap Hole™ (you won't see it. It'll just getcha!)' as they had named it.

"Okay, who's hungry?" Changmin looked around and smiled when everyone except Yunho, Rain, Jaejoong, Yoochun and Junsu raised their hands. He paused and thought of something.

As much as he loved his friend Rain...

"Rain, I need your help over there, come with us." Rain reluctantly nodded and glanced at Jaejoong before following the rest out of the water.

....he had to help the guy move on too.

"Let's go~" Changmin led the big group towards their picnic mat, pushing and shoving at each other like the little childish beings that they were.

"Me and Su will go get us some surfing boards all right? You two wait here!" Yoochun skipped out happily, dragging Junsu by the hand. The latter just happily followed his boyrfriend.

"Well they seem to be in a good mood." Jaejoong commented.

"Yeah, not fighting," during the past months that Yunho's been hanging out with them, he had already witnessed the pointless fights that Yoosu often got themselves into.

"Hm, good for them... but we didn't bring any surfing boards..." Jaejoong trailed off, unsure of where the couple were actually headed.

"Maybe they'll conjure something up. Now let's go play!" Yunho stated happily, he loved playing in the water and it was even better now that he got a chance to play in the water with Jaejoong. Now, why did that sound so dirty?

"Okay!" He heard his companion say before a surprised yelp came out of the other's mouth. Yunho immediately turned around and caught Jaejoong around the waist before he could fall.

"Yah! Stop being so clumsy!" Yunho complained as he set Jaejoong upright.

"It's not my fault! If you didn't make that stupid hole in the water I wouldn't have- "

"It's not just a stupid hole! It's "HoMin's Little Trap Hole™!"

"Pffft," Jaejoong laughed and splashed water to Yunho's face. "I cannot believe you guys gave it a freakin' TM at the end."

Yunho just smiled and splashed some water back. Jaejoong laughed and punched him on the shoulder, eyes twinkling. The taller man stared into the round doe eyes, mesmerized.

So, damn beau-

"Yunho!" Jaejoong splashed him again. "What are you staring at?"

Yunho splashed back, "nothing. Your eyes are too big!" Well, that wasn't the best thing to say but it was the first excuse he could think of.

Jaejoong gasped, his eyes happened to be his most favorite body part!

"Well, yours is too small!"

"Tch, my eyes are normal short stuff, they aren't that chinky." Yunho scoffed, poking Jaejoong on the forehead. The latter looked at him disbelievingly.

"What the hell are you talking about?! They're so chinky I could blindfold you with a floss!" Jaejoong retorted, splashing a huge amount of water at Yunho before running away, laughing.

"YAH!" Yunho ran after him, pushing at the water to create waves that would help slow the other man down. Jaejoong was still laughing, sputtering when water went in his mouth but he still laughed anyway. The mental image of Yunho being blindfolded with a floss was just too funny.

He felt strong arms wrap around him before he was tickled mercilessly.

"S-stop!" He managed to gasp out in between laughs. Yunho was going to ignore the plea but stopped when he saw a huge wave approaching. Like, a humongous one.

"WAH!" They both screamed out as the wave hit their bodies, dragging them all the way to the shore. They stayed on the wet sand, lying on their stomachs.

"That. Was. Awesome." Jaejoong made a move to stand and go back to the water but Yunho's right arm shot up and trapped him in place.

"Nope, you're staying here. This is quite comfy mind you." Yunho stated lazily.

"Hey, come on! There might be a huge wave again!" Jaejoong struggled. The loud clacking of pans brought both their heads up and they looked at Key who was banging two pan covers together.

"All right Key, you can stop. Those aren't cymbals you know!" Jaejoong yelled over the unpleasant noise. Key stopped and looked down at them.

"Play time's over kids! I wasn't gonna disturb you guys but then I realized that our food supply is disappearing at an alarming rate. Thanks to our little friends who have vacuums for their stomachs over there." He then strutted away, leaving Yunho and Jaejoong to scramble to their feet, hurriedly walking over to the fold up table full of food.

They took a seat the end of the table beside each other and grabbed as much food as they could fit in their plate.

In the middle of eating, Jaejoong felt his cellphone vibrate against his ankle so he reached down and pulled the phone out of his bag. A confused expression masked his face when he saw that he had received a text from Yesung, who was all the way at the other side of the table.

From: Turtleman <3
To: Joooongie

Pass the kimchi ^-^

Jaejoong looked up from his phone and noticed that the kimchi was just in front of him. He shrugged and passed it over. He felt his phone vibrate again.

From: Rainism ^o^
To: Jae

You should put a towel on, you'll get cold

Jaejoong smiled and texted a 'thank you' back, grabbing his towel and wrapping it around himself. He frowned when he received a text message, again.

From: Chuntastic XD
To: Jaelastic XD

Yo, pass the rice

Jaejoong reached his hand out but it barely touched the bowl of rice, he tried again and pouted when still wasn't able to reach it.

To: Chuntastic XD
From: Jaelastic XD

You get it yourself you lazy ass, despite the lovely nickname you gave me on your phone, I'm not made of elastic

As expected, his cellphone vibrated before he could even lift his chopsticks to his mouth.

From: Chuntastic XD
To: Jaelastic XD

Well, just to let you know, despite that equally lovely nickname you put for me on your cell, I'm not stretch from fantastic 4 either

Jaejoong turned to Yoochun's direction and stuck his tongue out at him, texting Heechul who was much closer to the bowl of rice, to pass it to Yoochun.

Yunho looked at his friends, a bewildered expression overtaking his face.

Do they have some kind of telepathy between them?

He saw how they all remained completely silent, gobbling up their food and sometimes passing the food around without anyone asking. It was as if they knew that the other needed that certain dish before the other could ask. Wow.

He nudged Jaejoong's side and decided to voice his question.

"Hey, how do you guys know who to pass the food to even without them asking?" He whispered quietly. Jaejoong rolled his eyes and grabbed Yunho's bag, pulling Yunho's cellphone out and turning it on before handing it to him.

Yunho was startled at how many text messages he'd received. He decided to open the latest ones.

From: Key-va
To: HoHo

Hey! pass the chicken!


From: Abnormally Tall x2
To: Ass

Open your phone dammit

He blinked and nudged Jaejoong again.

"But I didn't even see any of you looking down to type a message!"

"Yeah, we don't need to look at our phones to text. It's like second nature to us." Jaejoong replied nonchalantly.

"Oh," he looked back down at his phone and sent a message to Onew, asking to pass the watermelon. He didn't have to wait long before the bowl of cut watermelons was placed in front of his face. He grinned. This is fun.

He joined in the little texting game not noticing the lone message that wasn't sent by anyone from their group.

"Why isn't Yunho replying to my texts?!" A girl with long brown hair and flawless white skin scrunched her face in annoyance. "I'm gone for a little while and he already ignores me?" She skipped over to where her luggage was and carried it with two hands. Oh right, maybe he doesn't know it's me.

"Ms. Park! I'll carry that for you!" A short man with balding head panted as he tried adjust the other bags in his hands. The girl smiled and shook her head. 
"That's okay uncle, you're already carrying too much!" She continued dragging her luggage, thinking of how surprised her friend would be once she shows up. "Can't wait to see you again Yunho ah!" She placed her luggage neatly at the back of the car and got in the passenger seat, taking out a white envelope and starting to fill a form. The bolded title could be clearly seen even from afar.


The guys grudgingly took down their tents and packed their belongings, not wanting to go back to school.

"That long weekend felt so short! Ugh." Heechul complained as he folded his sleeping bag. Jonghyun passed by him, stomping over to his own sleeping bag and mumbling something about 'reality'.

By the time they finished packing, their coach bus was already parked a few meters away from them, waiting.

They lazily threw their bags up on the compartment above them and slumped in their seats.

"Oh yeah Siwon, tell your mom thanks for bringing all those food. Ah, I'm stuffed." Changmin mumbled, rubbing his stomach at the memory of the feast they had at the beach.

"Yeah," Siwon mumbled back sleepily. It was already 9:00 P.M and they were all worn out from all the things they did for the whole day.

Yunho settled down in his seat and glanced at Jaejoong who sat across from him beside Junsu. He smiled at the angelic sleeping face and turned his cellphone back on. He switched it off after they finished eating to save the battery.

He went through his inbox and found some messages from the girls in KiJu, he scrolled past them and stopped when he saw an unfamiliar number show up on the screen. It didn't even have a name. He opened the message and froze as he read it, clearly recognizing the person's way of talking.

From: 010-6787-8832
To: Yun!

Guess who? ^o~

xoxo <333


Anyone wanna take a wild guess on who the girl may be? 
Everyone who guesses right will be given a spot on the next chappie ^-^
My description of her is pretty vague... lol

Anyways I have nothing else to say so thanks for reading everyone! Hope you liked it =D

fic: player meets player, humor, chaptered, romance, au, fluff, angst

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