Pissing D.otter

Oct 22, 2013 21:01

Harry Potter! Au/Crack! Fic
KaiSoo side: BaekYeol, HunHan

A/N: Im sorry but my potterhead self is back and sorry if this sucks or if this does not make any sense because I myself just got high over non-existent crack. Enjoy my brain cells exploding.
Disclaimer: Adopted from the Harry Potter series, but I have changed names, places, the general plot etc ( bec. I forgot the actual stuff in HP omg im sorry all you strict potterheads out there ; ; ) (I changed almost everything from the original HP series so don’t get mad when things are all wrong and different from Rowling’s)

Harry D.Otter received his letter of acceptance when he was 13.

He stared at the piece of fancy looking paper in his hands and blinked twice, rubbing at his left eye ever so slowly as he saw the written symbols in the paper move.
The symbols arranged themselves neatly and displayed the secret message for D.Otter.
He gasped as the realization hit him. Holy fuck! So the letters did move!
As he stuck his thumb in the “put your thumb here so we can take your finger print” part in the lower right corner of the paper, he felt his life changing before his eyes.

Harry checked his watch for the fiftieth time that day. His train was suppose to arrive 10 seconds ago- what if it never comes what if I got conned and that this is actually a reality show and then a hidden camera will suddenly pop in front of my face and yell “you just got scammed! Say goodbye to what’s left of your quiet life and say hello to years and years of embarrassment to come-
His hysterical monologue-ing was disrupted by the abrupt stopping of a train coming from thin air. He was standing in platform 9 and 3/4 - as instructed by the letter from Hogwarts, it said- and quickly hauled his poor excuse for belongings; a big, tattered sack, or which his dad Kyu James likes to call “back pack”, his dying bird Pororo the owl perched quietly inside its rusty bird cage, his mother Lily Min’s numb chucks, she said it would help him be safe-, but he never really learnt how to use it so he just brings it with him to help alleviate his mom’s fretting.
He pushed the rim of his glasses up the bridge of his nose and went up the train, glancing back briefly to wave at his parents who were outside the barrier in the platform, wishing he could see them and they could see him, one last time.

As Harry sat in a compartment somewhere nearing the end of the train, something ashy in color caught his eye. Squinting his eyes at the compartment opposite him, he caught sight of the other boys- probably his age, guffawing and fussing over something he couldn’t see. Suddenly curious, and being the sad, lonely loner that he is, he stood up and tiptoed up, up and planted his face against the glass, not caring about the unpleasant sensation his glasses did against his nose, pressed up glass against glass.
Alas, it was worth it. He saw a clearer view of the scene in front of him. The ashy thing was actually hair-, a full, whopping pounds and pounds of gorgeous flowing ashy hair on top of a really equally handsome male-Harry gulped. His sexuality was questioned for the 2nd time in his 13 years of existence. The 1st one was with Junmyeon, his hot neighbor walking in nothing but boxers one morning when he went to take out the trash. He blinked twice and stared- No, ogled at the milky white expanse of his chest before trailing his sight back to his face, which shot him an angelic smile. He ran back inside his house like a madman, leaving trails of what was their garbage. He stayed away from anything close to milky white since then, even chocolate.
There was no doubt tho that he likes guys the moment he - the owner of the ash hair, suddenly turned to his direction and locked eyes with him. He froze on the spot, looking like a deranged human lizard sticking to the compartment’s door. A blush slowly made its way to his cheeks as the stranger raised an eyebrow at him and smirked a bit. He thought that the gorgeous ash-haired boy took interest in him when -
The door of their compartment slammed open.
“Hey guys! Come look! There’s a weirdo trying to peek inside our compartment!” The ash-haired boy snickered and motioned for his friends to stare at a reddening Harry.
Whateven, He murmured, and sighed a bit. He closed his eyes and thought hard in his mind.
Please reverse the time please reverse the time please reverse the time oh god I think im dying-
There was a flash of light and when his vision cleared Harry found himself seated back down in his own compartment, still sane, but totally bewildered.
What the actual fuck-
He stared at his hands, then the door, up the glass and back at his hands again. He reached up to touch his cheeks. They weren’t warm anymore, and his nose didn’t hurt from being pressed against the glass.
In the name of all things sane- Did I, did I just do - that?
Without being given the time to ponder even more in his messy excuse for a proper thinking process, the door to his apartment was thrown open.
The ash-haired boy was panting, with eyes twinkling with mischief and excitement, staring straight at Harry.
With an air of confidence seemingly natural to radiate off of his body, Harry felt small and insignificant in that very room. He blinked once, twice- and pushed up the rim of his glasses up the bridge of his nose as he waited for what the handsome intruder has to say.
Smirking, he leaned on the wall opposite Harry and exhaled sharply.
“You’re in the wrong compartment.”

Harry wanted to die. The guy he was starting to have a teensy weensy crush on, was actually a jerk- wait, no. He was worse than a jerk. He was downright rude. A spoiled, sassy-ass bitch who knew nothing but to flaunt his irresistible face and his riches and his body like it wasn’t a big deal.
He continued to glare at Kaico- he learned, was the jerk’s name, from across his seat.
Kaico was wearing a light blue polo, two buttons were undone (arrogant! Harry yelled inside his brain, mentally insulting said boy.) His ash colored hair was disheveled, leaving him in that “I’m too cool to care about my hair- goddammit I’m freaking hot anyway” type of look. Harry snorts.

He chuckled menacingly- stupid spawn of satan! cried Harry from his seat and ripped his gaze off the alluring annoying boy. He rolled his eyes irritably and stared out the window. The thought of him getting caught checking the spawn of satan himself out was embarrassing enough. He lets his thoughts wander and he sinks deeper into his seat, wishing for time to go by faster and to get off the train as soon as possible.
He was literally flying out the train with all his stuff the moment they were allowed to get off. He could still hear Kaico’s dark laughter as he sped off like a man racing for his life, not giving a single fuck. Harry heard Kaico’s last “See you later, D.otter, the boy who lived!” and he inwardly cursed himself; absentmindedly patting his fringe covering his lightning scar down.

All hell seemed to break loose at the castle.
“FUCK FUCK FUCK!” A really tall guy with wide eyes was screaming and running around the halls, flailing his arms on the way.
An equally distraught, smaller looking guy was behind him, flailing as well. They were shouting something along the lines of “Fuck, my prefect life is ending!” “Shit’s going down!” “Why did the hat die??” “It didn’t die you idiot!” “It just did omg omg omg”

Harry almost got hit by the flailing people but someone immediately pulled him off of harm’s way. He was about to thank his savior but his smile and gratitude all flew out the castle’s wide and ancient window as he openly glared at his devil-in-disguise acquaintance.
An amused smirk graced plastered itself on Kaico’s face. Clucking his tongue, he gave Harry a half-pouting, eyes dangerously twinkling with mischief look.

“Aren’t you going to at least thank me, D.otter?”
“Leave me alone Kaico.” He snarled.
“No.” He grinned and put his arm around D.otter’s shoulders.
D.otter glared at the arm around his shoulder like it contained the small pox when someone from behind them spoke. Both of them whirled around and stared at the new comer.
“Kaico, stop sexually harassing the poor boy and come with me to the hall.”
Harry took this golden opportunity to literally throw Kaico’s arm off his shoulder.
Rubbing his arm and smiling lopsidedly, Kaico strolled over to his friend and threw his arm over him. They walked away like Harry was nothing. He sighed loudly and turned back to see the eerie flailing guy standing behind him, face inches apart from his own. Blinking, he backed away a bit and muttered a shy “uh, H-hi?”
The guy beamed at him, eye twitching in the process. “Hi! My name is Park Chanyeol, a prefect, from hufflepuff!” He beamed some more and stepped back to reveal the other guy flailing alongside him a while ago “- and this, is my boyfriend, Baekhyun! Park Byun Baekhyun! Also a prefect.” The smaller boy just blushing a bit and smiling sheepishly in return. “Hey. You seem new. A freshman?”
Harry nods.
“Well,” Baekhyun and Chanyeol both sigh loudly and looked at Harry with what seemed like pity.
“The sorting hat- which, sorts every child into his destined house broke down and crumpled to dust earlier today. Everyone panicked, even the headmaster, Dongbledore, who usually just looked out his window like the aged man that he is, staring blankly at anything and everything, stood up and flied away to get a replacement hat. It was scary man, to see the old man fly out the window. Like, whateven.”
“So,” Baekhyun continued, “The freshmen will end up sharing rooms for at most a week, well, until old Dongbledore comes back with a new sorting hat. Students will be given a chance to pick rooms via drawing lots. Please proceed to the hall right away.” Baekhyun beamed at Harry and made a hand gesture towards the huge, ancient castle doors.
“We prefects will join you students in a minute. And, uh, what’s your name?”
Chanyeol’s eyes immediately darted to Harry’s forehead and saw the lightning scar.
“HOLY SHIT BAEKKIE. HE’S HARRY D.OTTER!! THE HARRY D.OTTER!!!!!” Chanyeol flailed around again, jumping and pointing and shouting at Harry’s direction.
He blushed under the unwanted attention as people started to pile around them and ogle him like meat on 75% off during a Christmas sale.
Baekhyun just face palmed and threw Harry an apologetic look.
“Sorry about that Harry- Nothing to see here people!!” he waved everyone off before shouting again. “Freshmen, the hall, right now please! Second door to your right!” Then he turned to Harry again.
“Chanyeol is just big, stupid and loud. Please forgive him.” He massaged his temple before grabbing Chanyeol’s wrist and dragging him away. “Excuse us Harry, we have prefect work to do. Hall, immediately, okay?”
“Bye Harry! See you later!”
“He bowed a little and smiled back at their retreating figures before trudging back to step into the hall, and in some miracle, fit in.

The hall was loud, cheery and energetic. High castle walls was filled with roaring laughter and nervous freshmen trying to make new friends. Others were already showing off, hovering a few meters above the ground, giggling and making faces to those who can’t levitate yet.
Harry looked around and saw the 4 banners of the 4 prestigious Houses of Hogwarts. Gryffindor, Slytherin, Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff. The striking green and silver of Slytherin was blinding, along with Gryffindor’s red and gold. Hufflepuffs black and yellow contrast well with Ravenclaw’s sweet purple. The banners are decorated around all the grand walls, basking them in their pride and glory.
Harry smiled a bit at the thought of being able to belong to any of the prestigious houses.
He sat down in a vacant chair at one of the bigger tables and looked at the people across him. Pushing his glasses back up, he gave each person who dared to look at his way a small, heart shaped smile.
A doe eyed boy with light pink hair stood up and smiled sweetly at him. “Hey. I’m Luhan Lovegood.” He shouted a bit because of all the noise going around. Anyone can hardly hear anyone above all the boisterous noise.
“Hi, I’m Harry D.otter!”
And they became fast friends.
Turns out, Luhan knew nothing of his reputation as “the boy who lived” And that Luhan was a complete weirdo, but he was nice enough to talk to Harry. His velvety voice sounded sweet too- okay, I’m being gay again.
Harry smiled pleasantly at Luhan and the rest of his friends. Xiumin, who is a nice soccer player when he thought that he was still a muggle, Suho, who looks like his hot neighbor Junmyeon, who is half an angel. Literally, half-a fucking-angel. AN ANGEL WTAF-
Just then, a few of the teachers went in. The hall immediately quieted down with a flick of the wand of the guy dressed in black.
“SILENCIO!” He screamed as if it wasn’t quiet already.

“My name is Yesuverus Snape. Each freshman please coordinate yourselves and form a line of four. You will be drawing lots for your week long temporary quarters. Afterwards, a feast will be prepared for your arrival!”
Cheers erupted from the room like the cannibals that everyone actually is. Everyone miraculously created an orderly line of four, but Harry knew better. Magic was used daily here. That’s what’s probably keeping everyone sane and proper.
Harry trailed behind Luhan and Xiumin, Suho behind him. He was blushing at everyone’s intimate physical contact and Suho’s warm breath against his neck-
“Hey D.otter.” that air of confidence. That stupidly suave voice, holy shit could it be -
“Kaico Malfoy at everyone’s service!” Kaico piped up and bowed promptly at everyone staring at him.

Harry “enthusiastically” rolled his eyes and exhaled sharply, ignoring Kaico all the way till they got up front.

“Hey Harry!”
“Do you know what I want to do now?”
“No, I don’t care Kaico, go away.”
He chuckled and said, a little loudly, “I want to touch your lovely ass and bury my dick hard in it.”
Harry blushed furiously and everyone else choked on Kaico’s blunt, blunt words.
McSehun, went near him and handed him a hundred dollar bill. “Fuck man, didn’t think you would actually do that.”

Harry D.otter never wanted to just die then and there in all of his 13 years of existing.

By some sick twist of fate, he and Kaico ended up rooming TOGETHER.


http://yuki-rvclw.livejournal.com/1057.html part 2

f:kaisoo g:crack fandom:exo fanfic !harr

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