Wish Granted

Sep 25, 2013 15:16

“You’re kidding me.” Kyungsoo sighed helplessly and covered his face with his hands in irritation.

Chanyeol pressed his lips together and slowly shook his head. He was seated in the sofa, laptop in front of him and the fingers of his hands pressed together as if in prayer. “Nope. Unfortunately, this is one of those moments that I am dead serious.” He answered nonchalantly in his deep baritone voice.
Kyungsoo stared at him first as if to look for signs of mischief that Chanyeol usually has and to tell him right there and then the phrase: “Hah! Got you! I was kidding!” But no, Chanyeol was staring at the laptop monitor intently and Kyungsoo heaved a sigh.

“B-but.. B-but-This is inhuman! How could you people toy with their emotions like that??” He flailed his arms around to stress his point.

Chanyeol just clicked his tongue and looked Kyungsoo dead in the eye. “ Kyungsoo, you know that we only grant those patient’s wishes. We don’t really do anything for them unless they ask for it of course. But its totally your own free will to fulfill a dying patient’s wish or not. We could always tell him your decision. It just so happens that you fit the description he gave us so perfectly, we couldn’t help but recommend you.”

“This is just insane!”

“No. This is called the irony of human nature.”


Today was the last day of Kyungsoo’s freedom. Tomorrow, he would be someone’s property forever-or until 2 years at least. Kyungsoo heaved a heavy sigh and glanced at the papers Chanyeol got him one more time before packing his bags and moving into Jongin’s estate.

Kyungsoo’s eyes roamed all over the document; to Jongin’s face in his 2by2 picture taken when he was still healthy ( a good 4 years back), his name written in bold face, Kim Jongin, his medical certificate which says he has cancer and that he has at most 2 years to live, and finally, at that one piece of paper with messy, shaky hand writing all over it which said:

“Dear Grant a Wish Foundation…
I’d like to get married and at least live happily before I die.
I want my spouse to be a guy, has milky white skin, large doe eyes, heart shaped smile, and his height should be a little bit lower than mine.
Please find him for me… please grant a dying man’s wish.

Kyungsoo let out a sad sigh again and absentmindedly stroked the paper he was holding. Damn. This Jongin guy really seemed desperate and he doesn’t have it in him to say no to such a “simple” request. He would only lose at most 2 years from his freedom, right? Then he wouldn’t have to be tied to him anymore after those 2 years and then he’ll be happy and free again and maybe, just maybe, he’ll finally ask Joonmyun out. He grinned at the thought until he noticed something and frowned again. The description in the paper… it was too precise. Like, it was really him who Jongin was looking for.
But how could that be? I don’t know of any Jongin’s I have met in my entire life until now! Right …? He laughed nervously and scratched his head. Nah. Too much of a coincidence, he thought.


It was 6 in the afternoon when Kyungsoo arrived at Jongin’s estate. It was huge, and the maids welcomed him and whisked his bags away before he can even blink or move. He stood there in horror as everyone was busy, and he? He was just an awkward lump of Kyungsoo in the center of the living room, awkwardly shuffling his feet together and playing with the hem of his shirt when someone cleared his throat.
When Kyungsoo looked up, he saw the most beautiful man he has ever seen in his life. The picture didn’t do him any justice! Kyungsoo gnawed at his lower lip nervously and let out a shaky “H-hi. I-I’m Kyungsoo.” And gave him a tentative smile.
To this, Jongin responded with a breathtaking smile, which showed white teeth and his eyes crinkling in the sides. He looked years younger when he smiled, or so thought Kyungsoo. He didn’t even look sick. Until he noticed that Jongin was in a wheelchair, and that there was a bag of dextrose behind him, and that Jongin was wearing what seemed like a hospital gown. Kyungsoo swallowed the sudden lump forming in his throat.

“Perfect…” Jongin breathed animatedly and smiled at Kyungsoo again. He was perfect. And Jongin was very happy. The people in the Foundation were good, they shouldn’t be estimated. They found what he wanted and more. To this, he was thankful. At least he was going to live the last few months-or years of his life, happily.
“My name is Kim Jongin… I hope you aren’t nervous for our wedding day tomorrow?”
Jongin laughed a little and sipped on his tea, peeking an eye out to see Kyungsoo’s reaction.
They are now seated in the dining area, eating cookies and drinking tea. Kyungsoo smiled to his cup and said, without meeting Jongin’s tender brown orbs, “ Nope. Not really. I’d very much like to take care of you right away.” His voice trailed and he was now playing with the crumbs on his plate with his finger.
Then, the unexpected happened. Jongin leaned and reached his hand over the table, placing it directly above Kyungsoo’s hand. Kyungsoo let out a little gasp as he felt small electric waves radiating to his body coming from Jongin’s hand. Nevertheless he didn’t pull his hand away and stared at Jongin instead, with wide eyes. His breath hitched and he felt something tug at his heart when he heard the latter’s reply.

“Thank you…”

Later that evening, Kyungsoo was shown to his room, which was right next to Jongin’s room and was connected with a single door. He was still given his privacy; he would not be forced to sleep together with Jongin after they get married. He just needed to be close to him, and that’s it. Kyungsoo’s eyes roamed around the room, which was still a tad too big for him. Perks of being rich. Kyungsoo mumbled mentally and ran a tentative finger along the fancy looking wall paper. Dang, this must cost more than me and all the income I could muster in my entire lifetime! That realization suddenly hit Kyungsoo and he took a big step back. He didn’t want to get any trouble, nor did he want to go to jail. Nope, he was there for a noble cause, to serve the foundation he is in, to uphold their mission, to grant a dying patient’s last wish. His main priority was to make Jongin’s remaining years in the world enjoyable and filled with happiness. He would serve as a good “spouse” to him in his last 2 years or so. But he remembered what Chanyeol warned him of beforehand.
“Kyungsoo, you know what you’re getting into, right? Just remember that we have a mission. Also, you have to promise me one thing.”
“What is it?”
Chanyeol looked him seriously in the eye and said, “Never fall in love with Jongin. You know he’ll die eventually. Maybe even soon. I don’t want you to cry and lose essence of life when he finally leaves this world. Just a friendly reminder. Keep that in mind, Kyungsoo. Or you’ll regret it.”

Turns out Chanyeol was right all along.

“Good Morning!” Kyungsoo greeted a sleepy Jongin still stirring in his bed.

“Wh-what…” Jongin grunted and rubbed his eyes with his hands lazily. He tried to open his eyes and when his vision cleared and it focused on a smiling Kyungsoo, he immediately tried to shift into a sitting position and smiled back warmly at him.
“I brought you breakfast!” Kyungsoo beamed and showed Jongin his famous breakfast omelette.
“Uhm…” Jongin trailed off and glanced at the plate of food and Kyungsoo.
“I cooked this for you.” Kyungsoo said shyly and looked away, smiling a little.
“Really?” Jongin then grabbed the plate and sniffed the omelette. “Hmm, smells good. But does it taste as good as it smells?” Jongin teased and gave him his confident smirk.

Kyungsoo’s jaw involuntarily dropped and just stared at Jongin’s smiling face. There was something oddly familiar about that smile, only Kyungsoo couldn’t pinpoint what exactly.

Then, a fragment of a lost memory comes rushing to him.

“Hyung! Look!” A little kid wearing a baseball cap shoves a baby kitten into Kyungsoo’s arms.
The latter stares at the kitten and blinks, then lifts his gaze to stare back at the little kid’s eyes.
His face then lights up as he smiles his signature smirk, a visible twinkle present in his eyes…

Kyungsoo blinks and shakes his head. His mind seems fuzzy and the flashback that just happened feels surreal. What was that…?

Kyungsoo was forced back to reality when he heard Kai’s appreciative moan. “Hmmm! It does taste good! Daebak. I guess I’m marrying the right person then.” He smiled again and threw Kyungsoo a knowing stare which the latter didn’t notice. He was too busy staring at Jongin’s dazzling smile.

“I guess you are.”


Soon enough, the sound of wedding bells filled the church walls. And as a smiling Jongin reached out to touch the cheeks of a profusely blushing Kyungsoo, pressing a sweet and chaste kiss to his lips, two hearts were united, two beings are now one, swearing to love each other until the next life. Kyungsoo wasn’t so sure about the last part but nevertheless he still said his vows and exchanged rings with Kim Jongin. He was now Kim Kyungsoo, and part of the wish was fulfilled. Jongin was now married--- to the guy he described in his wish, to Kyungsoo. Kyungsoo’s job now begins. To make Jongin’s remaining time happily spent, with him, as his spouse. The challenge has begun.

Later that evening, Jongin was already fast asleep. The events of the day took its toll out of his weakening body and was knocked out right after dinner. So much for a first night. Kyungsoo thought to himself and chuckled a bit, reaching out slowly and gently, to caress Jongin-his husband’s sleeping face. The term husband was still foreign to him but with all the time he is to stay with Jongin, he might just get used to it. He just hopes that the term won’t become familiar to him, as what Chanyeol warned him with. He slowly shook the thought out of his head and just smiled to his husband, who looked years younger when he was in deep slumber. He whispered gently to Jongin’s ear; “I’ll try my best to make you happy, Jongin. I promise.”

Kyungsoo was humming to a tune when a sleepy, groggy Jongin stepped into the kitchen using crutches. Though in obvious pain, Jongin still showed his husband a blinding smile.
“G-good morning.”
“Jongin!” Kyungsoo stirred away from his cooking to accompany Jongin to a nearby chair. “What do you think you’re doing?? You could’ve hurt yourself on your way here!” Kyungsoo sat him down on the kitchen chair and checked to see if he was okay. He knelt down in front of him and lightly touched his arms, his cheeks and his face. Jongin then responded, scratching his bed hair sheepishly. “I’m sorry. I… I just wanted to see my husband’s face first thing in the morning.”
Kyungsoo just blinked at a lightly blushing Jongin, who was looking everywhere but his face. He then reached tentatively and gently squeezed Jongin’s shoulder, giving him a sincere smile in response. He patted Jongin in the head and stood up. “Well, your husband’s busy cooking your breakfast so--…” Then both of their eyes grew wide as they smelled something burning.
“Ah, shit!”

So much for breakfast.
Kyungsoo was grumpy because he burnt all the bacon for their supposed meal this morning. So, they ended up eating cereal instead.
Jongin was amused at how cute a grumpy Kyungsoo looked like; shoving all those grains of cereal up his mouth, not even caring to drink milk. He shook his head and was doing all he can not to laugh at Kyungsoo, because he was as sure as heck he would only receive a glare and maybe, he won’t taste his husband’s heavenly cooking.


The endearment caused Jongin to smile. Just then Kyungsoo turned to his right and saw Jongin smiling. “What the heck are you smiling about?? We’re not even eating real food dammit.”
Jongin couldn’t resist and let out a chuckle, patting Kyungsoo in the head. “You’re just too cute, Soo. And ow, my pride please. Cereal is real food okay! I eat this every day.” Jongin then pouted at a frowning Kyungsoo.
Kyungsoo just sent a glare to him but didn’t say anything and continued eating. After a few minutes, he got up and excused himself from the table. “Jongin, hurry. We’re going on a date today.” Kyungsoo didn’t even look back and just walked off, carrying a bowl of cereal to the sink and casually climbing up the stairs.
Jongin was left, frozen. Just staring at his bowl of grains as if it would melt under his gaze. What did he just say? He absentmindedly clutched at his chest and closed his eyes. These fluttering feelings…are finally back, huh?

Kyungsoo cleared his throat nervously and pried his hands away from Jongin’s eyes. “We’re here!”
Jongin blinked a few times before his eyes adjusted to the sudden intrusion of light and looked around.

Then everything went black.

(part two will be posted tomorrow)

kaisoo yaoi exo kyungsoo kai

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