Second Time Around

Jul 08, 2014 20:38


Contrary to popular belief and numerous highly romanticized novels, one does not, in fact, fall in love at first sight. It's just plain ridiculous to swear yourself off to someone you just met, no matter how hot they are. With the exception of course of, let's say the filthy rich Bill Gates, or the President of the world asking you out on a date. One does not simply pass up the opportunity of a lifetime to fill your bank accounts with more than enoughmoolah to feed your eighth generation grandchildrens' grandchildren.

This is basically the mindset of 19 year old Do Kyungsoo as he screams his head off from the kitchen. The scream is slightly muffled, however. As if he's screaming from the kitchen's secret underground lair.

Baekhyun, his roommate, jolts awake from the ear-splitting scream and promptly bangs his head on the top shelf of a cabinet he's currently sleepingleaning on tiredly. He howls like a kicked puppy but is silenced by another more authoritative yelp coming from yet again the kitchen.

Baekhyun all but scrambles to his roommate and friends aid. "Kyungsoo! Kyungsoo! Are you alright?"

He's frantic and panicky and all he gets in reply is a menacing hiss and a follow up command said in a low, almost inaudible voice. "Baekhyun. Grab the phonebook and call a plumber."

Kyungsoo is crouched graciously below the clogged sink, eyes narrowed to slits and nostrils flaring. Baekhyun's too distracted by the devilish appearance of his roomie that his brain failed to register what the other was saying. Sensing the other's withering glare on him, he manages a soft "w-what," and everything in Do Kyungsoo hell breaks loose as he lunges towards the former with a wrench in his hand. "YELLOW PAGES. NOW!"

Baekhyun scrambles for his life as he all but rips the abused phonebook in two and opens the page containing 'plumbers' within seconds. He picks up the telephone and promptly dials in the first number his eyes catch on the plumbers page. The other line picks up after the third ring and Baekhyun manages a stuttery hello before the phone cord is yanked off his palm and into Kyungsoos black-greased hands.

Kyungsoo screams into the mouthpiece with a high pitched, panicky voice the other never knew he was capable of producing; "THERE’S A FUCKING CLOGGED SINK IN APARTMENT 4D, CHUHEOK STREET WITH ROTTING FOOD SCRAPS AND THE DIRTY WATER IS DRIPPING DOWN THE FUCKING DRAIN PIPES ONTO THE FUCKING FLOOR THAT I JUST CLEANED!!" Kyungsoo inhaled deeply before continuing, “Please hurry the fuck up,” And promptly hung up.

Baekhyun's looking at him like he just murdered new born puppies and he just scoffs at him, eyebrows pinched together as he wrings his dirty hands and prepares to run back to the kitchen.

"You don't know what I've been through," he says through gritted teeth as he passes by him, looking ready to commit murder if the other so much as makes an offending comment.

Baekhyun raises both his hands in surrender, thin lips pursed as he walks to the door gingerly as he heard the tentative raps a second ago. He turns back to face the general direction of the kitchen and hollers back to Kyungsoo, "You're right, I don't know what you've gone through while I was asleep, but hopefully plumber ahjussi can help you with that." Baekhyun yanks the door open and the sight that greets him is no plumber ahjussi; but a rather young looking guy with messy soft-looking brown hair and sleepy eyes.

He's wearing a regular plumber’s uniform; faded blue jumpers with a large ass utility belt hanging on his perfect waist. He notices the man’s delectable golden tan skin as he rakes his eyes appreciatively down to his toned arms and to the toolbox he's carrying in his left hand. Baekhyun's mouth is pouring down a waterfall of saliva by the time he's done blatantly checking him out. Kyungsoo chooses this time to bustle in like an angry penguin in the living room as he nonchalantly drags the plumber in without a word and brushes past Baekhyun, disappearing almost instantly after he appeared.

Baekhyun just stares back in disbelief at the two retreating figures and shakes his head, muttering about missed chances and hot plumber boys as he trudges himself to the kitchen to try and save the pretty boy plumbers’ ass before Kyungsoo's horrible temper chews his pretty boy head off. Surprisingly though, the scene that welcomes him is of Kyungsoo barking down orders from behind the plumber working under the drain, only his torso visible on the outside.

Kyungsoo is flailing his arms wildly now, gesturing at the dirty puddle on the floor and how the plumber just looks plain amused with a small smile on his face as he emerges from under the sink. He stands up after Kyungsoo’s done ranting, and Baekhyun moves forward to accommodate the guy as his roommate flies to his room to change and calm himself down.

Baekhyun looks apologetic as he addresses the young plumber, hands down his jeans front pocket as they both stare at Kyungsoo’s closed door. “Sorry about that. My roommate is always…shrill.”

To his surprise the boy just laughs, looking a lot younger when his eyes are crinkled and his lips are pulled up in a smile. “To be honest, I thought the person who called was an angry mother, so I rushed as fast as I could before any more mothers lose their sanity over clogged sinks. Turns out only an angry Kyungsoo called,” He snorts and shakes his head, still amused as he keeps his eye on Kyungsoo’s door.

Baekhyun’s eyes double in size as he stares at the plumber like he suddenly grew a second head. “You know him??”

“Oh yeah, we’re classmates from middle school. But I don’t think he remembers me now or anything actually, judging from his disheveled appearance and the crazed look in his eyes. He’s always been a clean freak,” Jongin runs a hand through his hair as Baekhyun’s previously wide eyes narrow into slits.

“You,” he hisses, poking Jongin’s shoulder lightly. “You dated before, didn’t you??”

Jongin coughs and chokes on air, cheeks turning a vibrant shade of pink despite his tanned skin tone. “We did not! We were barely even friends, honest!”

Before Baekhyun could make anymore accusations however, Kyungsoo reappears, wearing an adorable Pororo jacket, making him look like a child than he already does. He has his wallet in his other hand, and walks straight to them, stopping in front of Jongin.

“Here, I’m sorry I was screaming at you earlier, I-“ Kyungsoo almost drops his wallet in alarm as he looks up to gaze into the other’s eyes and apologize sincerely, when he realizes who he’s looking at and suddenly his throat is parched and he can’t find anything to say. Jongin just smiles his easy smile and reaches forward to ruffle Kyungsoo’s hair affectionately. “Hello to you too, Kyungsoo.”

Kyungsoo makes an embarrassing little whine from the back of his throat as he continues to gape at Jongin, his former middle school classmate and first crush (?). He’s grown more mature now, the skinny body replaced by one to die for, and even though his face gained maturity and the sex appeal tripled in amount, his eyes still retained the mischievous glint he grew to love even when they were still in middle school.

“J-jongin,” Kyungsoo panted out, and he blushed a bright shade of red, his pale complexion hiding none of his emotions.

Kyungsoo learns that Jongin is studying at a nearby Art College, and is taking up dance. He’s at his father’s plumbing service for the day because one of their employees called in sick and they were short of one man on such a busy morning. Jongin, being the good son that he is, volunteered to replace him for the time being and gave up a day in school as he only had one class to attend anyway. He regrets nothing, as he’s given the good fortune of meeting his puppy crush, Kyungsoo.

Jongin admires how puberty has been kind to Kyungsoo, his chubby cheeks remained but his jaw got defined, bushy eyebrows giving him a manly aura despite looking like a lost kid. He remembers how he got intimidated by Kyungsoo when he saw the other perform and sing at a local contest, preventing him from ever saying anything to him in and out of the four walls of their classroom except for “Do you have an extra pen?” or “What page was the assignment on again?”. Jongin realizes that he’s been given a second shot at love and takes his time getting to actually know Kyungsoo now, which he failed to do in the past.

As they both catch up that day, Kyungsoo learns that he might be a strong unbeliever of Love at First Sight, but he’s a close devotee of Love at Second Sight, seeing the rationality of it all. Falling in love with the same person twice isn’t surreal; it’s tangible, and reachable in reality’s standards. Do Kyungsoo is a realist in every aspect, and he’s a hundred percent sure that his feelings for Kim Jongin is real as he falls in love with him the second time around.


basically word vomit, i'm sorry. ;A;

yaoi, kaisoo, r:g, f:exo, fluff, plumber!au

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