Beloved Character Meme

May 20, 2009 01:10

Tagged (eons ago, sorry Annaliese) by ensuing  for Link from the Legend of Zelda

1. Do you like this character?

He’s just a little below my true love, Puss in Boots.  *GASP*

1.5  Why?

He’s kind-hearted, which I love in a person.  He’s not perfect, which helps me to relate to him.  He can be goofy, which means we can hang out and have fun!  He’s humble, which is an incredibly sexy trait in a man.  He’s brave, which I try to be more every day.

He’s also very handsome <3 in an earthy way; masculine yet with a sweet smile.

2. What name/s do you call this character?

Link, Fairy Boy, and occasionally Dude

3. What image-color do you associate with this character?

Green (how could you not?).  It’s a good color too; green can stand for life and like life, Link is always growing and getting stronger.  I also think of gold, not just for his hair, but for the sun, because like the sun, he’s always warm and always shining.

4. What image/song do you associate with this character?

“Go The Distance” from Disney’s Hercules.  I feel like it’s got the amount of optimism and determination as Link.  And it’s about learning to be a hero!

5. What blood-type do you think this character is?

Scientifically, it doesn’t matter, so I suspect this has to do with the Japanese blood-type personalities.  emipengi  already did this analysis for Link on her website Double Negative.  I did some reading on the internet for more information on Link’s blood type, and while I agree that the A blood-type is a strong candidate (earnest, patient, creative), I think he’s probably an “O” (passionate, loyal, independent).  All the descriptions of the different characteristics seem to blend depending on what site you go to, so I was constantly varying between A, B, and O.  He was never an AB, though.

6. What character do you like to put this character with?

Princess Zelda   =)  I’d write a 6.5 “Why” section, but I’m already working on a meme for that.  I should also note that I can be flexible with the many other candidates, but Zelda’s far and away my favorite.  She’s such a strong character and a great complement to Link’s personality.

7. What would you want to say to this character?

Anything from “Let’s hang out!” to “You are the great enabler of my procrastination” to “I know your story and I really admire your courage and perseverance.

Let’s hang out.”

8. Which do you want to do with this character: Shake hands, hug, or kiss?

I am a hugger.  Anyone who knows me well will unhesitatingly confirm this.  I would definitely hug Link.

He’d also probably get a kiss on the cheek because he’s just that special.  ^.^

9. Please choose 5 friends with your choice of character:
If y'all want to, then:

mermaid_green - L from Death Note  ;)
emipengi - Zelda from...Zelda!  =P
coppeliad -anyone you like from Avatar  =D
kaiouforever -Michiru from Sailor Moon
bluestraggler -Abe no Seimei from Onmyoji!

Hit it, dudes!


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