A break in routine

Feb 04, 2009 09:14

There are moments in my life where I want to do something different.  They are usually small differences, such as take a different route home from how I usually walk.  Sometimes my body will decide to do something different, such as a craving for a different kind of snack than what I usually eat.  Unfortunately, last night my body decided that sleeping is too routine for me and I COULDN'T FALL ASLEEP.  I'm usually out within an hour of when I snuggle under the covers, so when I was wide awake and restless long after that, I knew something was wrong.

Then the nightmares came.

I call them "nightmares", but it's really when my subconscious bombards me with every scene from a horror film or book I've ever seen or read and keeps me from falling asleep.  This usually occurs for weeks after I see a horror film, but I haven't at all recently.  I did not know why my subconscious was raging war on me.  I have done nothing to warrant such grief.  I lay there in terror for about fifteen minutes, and then turned the light on and tried reading stuff for school, manga, anything to try and knock the nightmares away from me.

Eventually I slept for about three hours.  Now I am awake and barely functioning and asking my body if it's proud of itself and can we please not do this again any time soon.  Sleeping regularly is a rut I don't want to get out of.
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