we moved... and stuff

Apr 15, 2013 03:32

It's been two weeks since we officially moved in together (although it's still a secret from my Grandma, but not for long now ;) ) and so far so good. We are still in the process of buying furniture, cause it's really hard to find things we both like and can afford at the same time. But we do our best, and I think with some success. Yesterday we had a house-warming party, with playing games straight out of Whose Line Is It Anyway (which by the way made the less accustomed friends freak out a little bit before they realized we are just cool like that ;P ).

On the other hand, there's a new excitement at work, because I'm one of the secretaries for an Asia-centered Conference my Publishing House is co-organizing in May. The Conference is meant to be international, interdisciplinary, and two-days-long. The international part works more or less depending on the year, interdisciplinary means humanities only but we are alright with that, and as for two-days long... well, it is now my problem to make more than 200 people comfortable during such short time. Luckily I'm only one of four. Anyway, I think it is going to be a very good event, and I really enjoy that part of the job, even though it is bound to drain a lot of energy out of me, given it's only mid-April now and already this hectic.

As for fanfiction - still haven't written any. Maybe when we stop spending virtually every evening shopping for everything from three-door wardrobe to soap dish, I will find the time and will to type again. Considering the fact my nerd-ish bf's computer sits in the other room - it is possible. As long as we don't get to the boardgames that is.

By the way, an anecdote from our daily life:
K: I wanna see how that emulator for PS2 works on my machine, which part of Final Fantasy should I get?
me: Well, I'd say 8, because I still didn't finish it, but...
K: No, no, that one's for PS, choose a later one.
me: Hmm, okay then, make it 10.
K: 10? But people say it's weird...
me: I don't care what people say. Actually, I usually like stuff people say is weird.
K: How about 12?
me: Never tried it, never seen much of it.
K: Good, it will be a surprise!
me: ah, OK *thinking: it's his computer anyway*
(a few hours later, installed)
K: It works! I can help you in the kitchen now.
me: Huh? You don't wanna play anymore?
K: Of course not. You know I don't like all those random battles, I got it for you!

...hehehe... on the plus side, 12 looks promising

personal, games, friends

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