The life, doubled

Jul 21, 2013 16:33

My sweets-making hobby is back at its full power. Sometimes I jokingly say to myself, that my life now has become that of a good wifey... I come back from work, make dinner, spend some time doing whatever with my bf, and then go to sleep. On a weekday, there's hardly time for much internet, let alone writing fanfiction. Here, you have it - he woke up already, and came to ask what in the world got me out of bed so early.

A word of explanation: on a weekend, too early is defined by a handy phrase before him.

Yesterday a couple of friends visited us for board games, and in a short conversation inbetween I realized how little I know now about people I used to be quite close with.

I.e., I knew a certain guy friend is planning to get married and buy a house in a nearby suburb. I thought it was recent news. But yesterday I learnt he not only bought that house already, he renovated it and moved in last week. They (him and the girl, not the house) are expecting a child. And I have yet to see that girl in person!

Of course, much of that is due to my working as a PA more than an editor. I am lucky to have my working hours set, so compared to, say Devil wears Prada's main character, my situation is perfect and I have nothing to complain about. But when there's an all-day-long business trip to here or there, and I'm following my Boss for 12 hours or so, trying not to forget anything and possibly read his moves, it can be very tiring. It's been half a year since I joined the company, so I can't say I didn't know something anymore, and yet... it often happens that I don't. Or I just do something stupid for whatever reason. Long story short - I'm not a party animal when back from those field trips.

Ah, the cake above? I made it for the friends who visited yesterday. They all liked it a lot, so I'm kinda proud. I have this super fast & easy sponge cake recipe that never once failed me. This time I added cocoa, chocolate cream, raisins, and orange peel. Plus the sweet cherries soaked in alcohol and the sugar butterflies. Yummy!

So that's what's up with me. In case you wondered. I should say I'm more than okay, ne? Life's good in the summer.

personal, food, writing, work, friends

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