
Mar 14, 2013 03:11

It's hard to believe it's been half a year since I posted anything here. But I guess real life gets to anyone sooner or later, and just this time it caught up with me... or should I say I finally got a grasp of it? I suppose it doesn't matter. What counts is that I have a job that I like, a boyfriend who surprisingly tolerates my weird hobbies (believe it or not, he actually read all three parts of Dirty Laundry!) and a group of friends to play board games with, and bandmates who recently turned out to care about the band's future.

Yep, not much time left to be a proper fujoshi.

I could also blame JEnt a bit though.
Since they started deleting the boys' vids from virtually everywhere, I have to go to certain lengths to get them (as in: visit specific comms and download huge, good quality files I don't need/can't play/don't have space left for on my old laptop), and... I don't. So I fell out of tune with what Johnny's do recently. But my inner fangirl can't exactly live on Koreans. I mean, they are cute and all, but I guess all things said and done, they're just not my pair of shoes when it comes to true and dedicated fangirling (read: writing fanfiction).

Yes, all that is simply pointing fingers around more or less blindly to avert your attention from the fact I still haven't written squat of the promised multichap ryoda. Which I actually have planned in much detail in some notebook months ago.

It's not like I haven't been thinking about it.
I have.
It's just... not coming along very well.

Maybe, just maybe, since the doctor put me on antibiotic and at home for the rest of the week, I will find it in myself to at least try. I'm actually bedridden since last Wednesday, and since the heavy duty prescription drug is finally getting me back among the living, I am bored. I even got back to pupe.

I am also watching Biblia no Koshodou (yes, only now) and I love it to bits so far.
And reading books myself.

sick, personal, writing

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