A visionaire, or visions in the air

Jul 01, 2012 01:06

Here I am, spending my day off (all gods to be thanked for it) drafting a business plan. It is to be introduced to a possible investor on Tuesday, and I would like to say I'm working my ass off writing it, but as a matter of fact I could have done more if I woke up earlier. Or spent less time wondering what to put in it, and what to omit. Or didn't start from sketches. Or..


As you can see I am rather stressed, much more than I was two weeks ago with a prospective job in logistics 300km away (which, by the way, I apparently did not get, if no contact from the company I interviewed for means anything). Maybe it's because this time I would actually be responsible for gazillion of things I already know have to be done, instead of simply doing as instructed. Another thing is the idea I am to present was born in my own mind and there are feelings involved. Plus, I got told, unofficially and by third party of course, that at the last interview I left the impression of having an 'avant-garde personality'. Whatever it means it is probably true and I'm not sure I want it to be too evident next time.

And yet, my idea is a bit 'avant-garde' itself, as far as Poland is considered.

I can only hope that if I come well-prepared and show them my pretty sketches, they will understand it is essential to be a little eccentric to pull it off, and, that they want me to do so. Hyperventilating.

Long story short:

Call center is killing me, I simply HAVE to change jobs if I'm not to lose my mind any time soon, and this, this would be just a step away from dreamland, so... Please, please, keep your fingers crossed for me! Please.

personal, writing, work

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