there won't be a house party, but there will be a house party

Apr 24, 2012 07:34

Some fujoshi friends are visiting me this weekend for the sole purpose of playing creative games and coming up with the weirdest JE fanfiction ever. Well, alright, SOME JE fanfiction, most of which will probably be limited to personal joy of the ones taking part in its creation. Still -!

I can't wait till Saturday.

Oh, and I'm keeping my fingers crossed for this game getting delivered soon enough. Not that Arkham Tokyo Horror with re-edited locations and crew wouldn't be epic on its own. It was last time we did it. Ueda owned a load of dead monsters, Tegoshi got beaten up by AKB48, and Nishikido couldn't come back from Taiwan no matter how hard he tried...

Anyway, I'm hoping to get inspired for my next multichap during that event. I may have a few ideas already, but they are mostly grim, ranging from submarine pirates sinking cargo ships(yes, KAT-TUN, how did you know?) to death, drugs and amateur blood transfusions. And we want me to write a comedy, isn't that so?

fujoshi, writing, friends, johnny's

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