win a cd from me!

Apr 29, 2011 16:09

Just so not to limit it to fb...

Shortly after the earthquakes I made a little contest for my Polish friends and family to calm them down and chill them out ;). It was a simple guess-the-song-title thing. Some people told me that the contest was way too easy (oh really? then why did no one provide the full list of correct answers? ;P ), so I thought it over and here I am now with another one, this time fully international, open for all.


1. For naming the artist, song title, and country of origin (and I mean the country where the artist mainly publishes, not where they were born) you can get exactly one point each.
2. The contest ends when I say so, unless somebody sends me 100% correct answers and automatically wins (unlikely but hey, possible). Until then you are free to add to your answers (i.e. when you suddenly remember a song you forgot the next day after sending your answers, you can add it).
3. You are free to google all you want, and ask your whole family to help. But mind there will only be ONE prize.
4. THE PRIZE - to the lucky winner, I will send an album CD from Japan! However, it will be a book-off CD, because I'm a poor waitress now ;P. You should rest assured that Japanese second hand CDs are in great condition, but because it is second hand, I may not be able to find your all times favourite.
5. The mix is made of some of the songs that I like, there is no way you know them all - just guess as much as you can and send me your answers in a PM/email. If you don't want to risk trusting my musical taste, attach the names of a few bands or artists that you like. It doesn't matter if they aren't popular, if I can't find them, at least I will look for something similar in style. Also, if you happen to possess a vast collection of Japanese music, you might wanna tell me what NOT to buy for you.

You can find the contest mix here.

EDIT: The contest is now officially closed! The winner got her prize, and I hope she'll like it... who am I kidding, I know she will :D
Mime, congrats!

music, contest, japan

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