almost very busy

Apr 25, 2011 01:34

I naively hoped for an office job that would pay more than 80 000 yen a month (I cope because the rent at my place is very cheap). What I am getting is a managing job with no fixed pay, but a high percentage of the projected income. Am I happy? Not at all. Note the word 'projected'. That means I cannot give up waitressing for who-knows-how-long, because I have to eat, and the new company is, well, new. Hell knows when it will become profitable, if at all.

I thought my boss-to-be was going to make this company work, and needed me to keep track of foreigner part-timers, handle demands, generally put some order into things there. I was right. What I didn't know though was that boss-to-be thinks of himself as merely the investor and expects me to practically build this business from scratch all by myself...

And there's a problem with that boss of mine. I don't like the way he acts towards me. He seems to take pleasure in confusing me. Example: I worked up my courage once to very humbly ask him not to suddenly touch me, because I was ticklish, and his immediate, very straightforward answer was: "That's what makes it so funny". He's a Japanese around 60 so I can understand he may not be comfortable with the idea of keeping personal space, especially when he's partner is a 20-something kid like me, and a female. But I wonder, how can he expect me to practically build this company for him, if he doesn't take me seriously?

Knowing how busy am I going to become in very short time, I obviously cut any dating ideas short. Seems like another 8 months/three years of celibacy are coming along? Well, bring them on, I was never big on dating anyway... if only I can keep some friends! You have no idea, how hard it is without being able to meet your friends in person and just spend some time with them doing whatever... I was hoping after I got a regular job I could finally start meeting people on weekends and holidays, but it doesn't look like it's gonna happen anytime soon.

I'm so stressed...

personal, yu in japan, work, friends

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