Why might I care about the election in Italy? Well, in my first serious political science class, I had to write a term paper and my thesis covered the instabiltiy of the Italian government. At that time, the Italian govenments rarely lasted more than two years but the current one, and longest running one, has lasted five. This is a record for the current Italian republic, which is less than 20 years old. At this time, it looks like the current government is going to be beaten but it looks like the system is starting to stablize. See
http://www.iht.com/articles/2006/04/10/europe/web.0410italy.php Next time I decided to try to translate a chapter of Detective Conan manga into English, someone ask me why. I must be masocistic or something. DC is very text heavy. All things considered, I guess I'm making good progress. Of 16 pages (counting the first one with only the title), I am half way through the fifth page. Did I mention it is a scanlation? ^_^ Maybe later, I'll post what I've done. Encouragement would be nice.
Edit: *headdesk* Translating is reminding me why it is an art and not a science. Does anyone know what 甲子園 (koushien) mean? I can't get a translation for it, just koushien.