Jul 06, 2010 20:00
After over a year of suckage, things are looking up. I am back online. Cleared out my email (deleted over 4000 unread messages) and I have begun working on projects again
I have moved over to Facebook because it is easy to access through my phone.
I went to 3 events in the past 6 weeks and am looking forward to Pennsic. I am sad I will not have anything to display, but I am definitely feeling the creative mojo returning.
I am planning to teach 3 classes (unless the new policy remains in effect, and then I will be canceling in protest), hosting a meet and greet, and running a tourney. Our camp is really coming together. For the first time, we will be completely canvas with the ability to hide all modern stuff (although you can have my coleman chair when you pry it from my cold dead hand). =)
If I can survive the heat, I will be sewing and prepping this week and next.
Hope everyone is well.