
Jan 19, 2011 13:02

Okay; I know several people with Kindles and I've talked to a few people with Nooks.  Do any of y'all out there have the BeBook Neo?

I have a freakin' ton of books in regular print; I'm also amassing a growing library of eBooks from various sources and in various formats, and generally I read them on my laptop. But having something smaller and lighter would be really nice and good to travel with, so I've been assessing the relative merits of the eReaders that are popping up like electronic mushrooms out there.  See, it's income-tax time and I did my taxes last night and I was a wee bit surprised by what AZ's gonna refund me this year.  Was considering waiting until next year for an eReader, but now-- I dunno.  This is the time of year when they get put on sale due to tax-refunds becoming available, and... well. I'm thinking about it.  I shouldn't be, but I am.

I found this comparison list while poking around; it's pretty useful.  The BeBook Neo's got both pros and cons to it; the biggest pro for me is the fact that it's NOT linked to a specific store (as the Kindle is to Amazon)-- it's deliberately designed to be fully open-source; I also like that it's structured to allow updates, and it's got a stylus-type touchpad.  It comes with only 512mb storage, but for $12.95 I can upgrade it to 16gb with an SD card; and it's got a drawing feature and WiFi.  I've read quite a few reviews, both professional and non, and it's looking pretty damn attractive.

So... yeah.  I'm interested, but I'm not buying yet, just sticking a toe in the waters.  You don't hear about the Neo as much stateside as it's from a Dutch company, but it's the big eBook in Europe, apparently, and is now making inroads in America.  Anybody out there ever played with one of these?

So long as I'm nattering away, might as well mention: I got my car fixed.  The insurance company took statements from both me and Shouty Guy (after warning him to keep his loud ass away from me) and eventually decided that while I was indeed the one who hit him, his claims were somewhat doubtful and conflicting.  My insurance paid for the repair of his vehicle but because of the doubts I received no points nor charges whatsoever; I, sadly, had to pay for my own repairs because they fell below my deductable level.  **sigh**  I got a good deal, though, and the car looks good.  I'm still annoyed that my insurance had to carry the burden, but I was the driver who entered traffic and without witnesses that's just how the law goes.  **growls**  They did tell me that it shouldn't affect my insurance premiums, at least.

Okay, lunch is over and now it's time to go back to work, I guess.  -__-  I want a nap.  Or to write.  But if wishes were fishes, we'd swim in the sea, right?

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