
Jan 20, 2011 14:26

..........right.  During lunch today, I had three people show up one at a time at my desk while I was eating.  All of them expected me to stop what I was doing and solve their probems immediately.  It didn't matter that I get, as a salaried employee, one hour off for lunch; nope, not important, I had to find out about their autopsy report or their CIR or their transfer of case right that freaking moment.

And then my supervisor called me right after the last one, asking about something else. Okay, I didn't have to pick up, but her NAME comes up on the phone.  And she's my damn boss.  -__-

And then there was the person who just tracked me down in the lunchroom to ask me-- aargh, never mind what, it was trivial.  I was making hot chocolate, and I was back from work, though I think tracking me down all the way back there is a bit much.  For all the gods' sakes, people, you're acting like your brains are comparable to those of baby ducklings with blunt-force trauma!  **GROWLS**

I am gonna make a sign.  It will say "I AM EATING LUNCH.  WHILE I AM EATING LUNCH, I AM NOT HERE.  PLEASE CALL BACK AT ANOTHER TIME, THANKS.  HAVE A NICE DAY!" in big, bold, cheerful letters-- bright green, I think, and in Ariel Narrow, Italic size 24 font.  I will tape it to a popsicle stick and keep it nearby.  I will NOT attach it to anything larger (like, say, a stapler or one of the rocks on my desk) for fear of accidentally bludgeoning the person who just interrupted my lunch into a coma.

**siiiiigh**  Okay, I feel better now.

wtfuckery, work

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