Three things

Jun 21, 2009 12:17

One:  HAPPY FATHER'S DAY to all you fathers and maybe-someday-fathers too.  And Happy Father's Day to my own.  I miss you, Daddy; have a good one.

Two:  HAPPY MIDSUMMER, EVERYBODY!  It's freaking *hot* here right now, and I'm hanging out laundry in the sunlight.  Good day for it, definitely.

Three:  HAPPY BIRTHDAY, bardicsidhe !  Eat lots of cake, it's good for you!

Been an interesting week; did a lot of database-building at work, got some stuff unpacked and moved back into the ferrets' room, and today's devoted to laundry and dishes and making my bedroom into a habitation again, instead of, say, a place where one finds literary strata on the floor instead of carpet.  My sunflowers've just started blooming (I'll post pics later), I got a seriously awesome belated birthday prezzie from nightengale  (pics will also be posted of that as well) and my mom's packing-and-move is coming along well (just talked to her on the phone. That didn't go so well, but so it goes.)  Also, I'm somewhat hooked on music by a group called Owl City, which my friend lil1337 was kind enough to send me stuff by.  Technopop; I don't like all of their stuff, but some of it's just damn beautiful-- kind of a cross between Angels & Airwaves and Carbon Leaf in certain ways.

And now I shall go make a sammich.

holidays, birthdays, family

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