Made it to Friday...

Oct 03, 2008 08:46

...and man, am I glad.  Not only is it Weekend-Starting-Time, but it's payday and I can take care of  a few things.  Good, 'cause this week's been weird.

Let's see... there's been the finance worries.  Paycheck - Bills For Car Repair = Not A Whole Lot Left; but I've been dealing okay, what with the repair place allowing me to split the bill up.  However, along came a Surprise!Emergency!Root-Canal!, and that sucker ran me nearly $700...  For a few days there I was just in this state of near-panic over it, but we worked things out at the dentist's (payments again; the next few months are gonna be lean ones) and I'm more or less okay.

...BTW, if anybody ever tells you "Apparently this tooth was put back together with pins; don't worry, we'll pull them out, do a root-canal and then reconstruct the replacement from scratch"..... run.  Emigrate, something.  That was pretty much the most miserable dental visit I've ever had; it lasted nearly two hours and now, two days later, the inside of my mouth is still swollen and sore.  Not as bad, but bad enough to wake me at 2:30 this morning to take painkillers.  But it's getting better; swear to gods, at first I thought they were reconstructing an older root-canal-- I felt something that seemed to be a post, but it was one of the pins.

Anyway...  family worries:  Morgan did me a favor the other night and nudged me into calling my mom to check up on her; guess I've been subconsciously worried about her, because I keep having dreams of her dying.  Or no, more precisely, being at work and getting a call from my little sister that they just found Mama dead; the details vary a bit, but it's usually from a fall.  So I did call her, and while she was very confused (she kept calling my sister Donna by MY name and she'd forget what she had just said and then repeat it word-for-word) she was in a good mood.  So-- no dreams like that since then; that's good.

Work stuff:  We're smack in the middle of Admin Review, which I've whined about before; it'll be over after next week, so while I'm sort of sweating bullets now it won't last.  I can deal.

Other stuff:  Don't ask...  Feuding friends, an awful job-market, a vanishing flatmate (???  Whatever...), reactions from not taking meds... bleagh.  It all feels so huge when it's piled on all at once; time and distance really does lend perspective, and things aren't as bad as they seemed on Monday.  Not that it didn't feel horrible then-- it did, and man did I ever need a peaceful evening.  Tuesday night Megs came over for dinner (I cooked Crab Fu Yong); Icka was off roaming (Megs said she was in a walkabout mood) so she missed it, but it was good.  Wednesday and Thursday I logged on DE logs with Scylla and Sorcha while taking tons of painkillers, and tonight?  Dunno.

Hey, people from Cheesecrack?  We need to plan that picnic out today if we're gonna go tomorrow; I'll send out emails in a bit.

Got quite a bit of knitting done-- I should have my friend Billy's new baby's sock-booties finished either tonight or tomorrow night.  Got knitting class in the morning, which may be cut short by an impending picnic (I hope so, actually-- I *really* want to get up to Mt. Lemmon, and I haven't seen a lot of my local friends in far too long!)  I *think* I'm dealing with the gussets on the socks okay, but I'm still not quite sure about how to manage the toes...  I'm so glad I started knitting, though; and I've made more knitting-needles, too.  But damn, these little 1/8" birch dowels are so soft-- they just snap like twigs; got to find some walnut or maple ones, and I'm not sure if there're any around town.  Maybe at that woodworking place up on Oracle...

Anyway.  It's been a rough week, but it's way better now than it was.  Next week'll be slightly insane due to the State Of AZ arriving at my workplace for the actual on-stage part of Admin Review, but then it'll be over with and hopefully things'll settle back to relative peace.  Good, 'cause I've had enough stress for a while, thanks; I was damn near sick Monday evening from it.

This weekend, two of my DE friends (Tav and Kiro) are getting married up in Canada.  Happy Wedding-Day, guys, and I wish I could be there!  May your life together be filled with joy and discovery, and may it be a long one.  ^_____^

stress, knitting, karma, family, friends

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