Title: The Exchange Student - 1# Routinity
Fandom: Hey! Say! JUMP
yoyocchiCharacter: Yamada Ryosuke & OC
Rating: PG-13 for swearing
Genre: slice of life
Summary: Applying for an exchange student program, Paramitha Zahra Maharani (called Zara by people around her and a graphic design student) left Indonesia for a one-year-long stay at her favorite country that was Japan. She thought she was lucky enough to get a very nice and kind family as her host. One of the daughters also went to the same institute as hers. Everything was great until she found out that she would live under the same roof with Yamada Ryosuke from Hey! Say! JUMP. Fellow fangirls might will hang her if they knew she was agonizing over that fact.
This is a series of one-shots where the episodes don’t go in order-the story’s timeline is all over the place!-but still connected with one another.
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