(no subject)

Oct 15, 2009 10:26

Let me just get this sickening part out of the way: MY DOG IS SO CUTE AND SMART. When she rides with me in the car, she likes to stand on the passenger seat with her front paws up on the center console. She's gotten to the point where she sees red lights or speed humps and she braces herself against the seat before I even start braking. I think that's just so gosh darned precious.

My music theory class was canceled this morning. I can't decide if I'm annoyed or relieved. I'm becoming increasingly disenchanted with my professor. He's probably in his seventies and has been teaching at UAA since like 1983, so he has tenure. The problem is, he's basically useless. First of all, he speaks so slowly and quietly that it's difficult to keep focus during his lectures. He also doesn't post grades anywhere, so we have no idea how we're doing in the class. AND - our mid-term was last week and a bunch of the stuff on the exam was stuff we hadn't even covered yet. I pointed this out to him when he handed them back, graded, and he said, "Hmmm. I'll have to take a look at that." Uh, YEAH.

I don't have any complaints about my sight singing/ear training professor, other than the fact that he loves to hear himself talk. He obviously likes me, though, so...lucky me.

I love my voice masterclass/opera ensemble teacher as a person and as a singing expert. But when it comes to organizing and directing a large ensemble, she pretty much sucks. She also doesn't arrange voice parts very well. I feel like I could do it much better, but I've learned to keep quiet and just go with it.

My car was in the shop for the past week. I had to get the starter replaced. They also did a diagnostic and there's a bunch of other shit that needs to be done, but I can't afford it all right now. Ay ay ay. At least I know what state it's in.

Shane just applied for a job in Ketchikan. I hope he gets it - we'd finally at least be in the same state...technically. I dunno. Southeast Alaska is practically another state.

Work is going pretty okay. We're trying to figure out how to get more people to come to the group. I'm not quite sure what the answer is. Meh.

What to do, what to do...

work, serey, school, car, shane

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