Curt is expecting a raise which might allow us to board a second horse. We have been chatting about selling Hustle and Curt talked to the barn owner about allowing us to put him up for sale at that barn. Marc says sure, but why not buy me a horse instead?
There is a lovely Arabian gelding that is boarded there and never, ever ridden. His family has a second horse there and the wife rides that one. But they don't come to the barn except on occasional weekends. According to Marc, the Arab is suitable for anyone to ride, his family just seems to have overestimated how many horses they wanted. He's willing to talk to the owners about possibly selling him to us.
What I am touched by is that if they sold or leased this horse (named Flash) to us, Marc wouldn't make a penny more on the deal than he is now. He says he just would like to see Flash get out of his stall sometimes. He also knows that if we owned Flash we would keep up on his vaccinations and farrier visits. I've met Flash and he's very affectionate and friendly. He's the kind of horse that likes people. He's a chesnut with a lot of chrome and probably a hair below 15 hands...short enough for me, too.
Well, actually Marc would make a little bit on the deal because we would pay to have Flash turned out a couple of times a week just like we do with Hustle.
I also have the very distinct feeling that Marc would be sorry to see Curt leave the barn if we sold Hustle. Everyone there really likes Curt a lot and he likes going there a lot, too. I even enjoyed it back when.
It was a funny thing but when this raise thing came up I started to let myself be excited about horses again. Since Flash is known to be gentle, I could even take lessons on him with one of the women at the barn to build my confidence.
Pretty soon I'll be writing about saddles again I think.
Keep your fingers crossed for me, okay?
My other thing that I shouldn't write about because I don't want to blow my enthusiasm for it, but I do want to share is that I think I am interested in becoming a professional story teller. Some years back we went to a GATE function and they had a wonderful storyteller there. We bought a bunch of her tapes and when I was working with kids at the school I sometimes told one of the stories that she told when we went to see her. And the kids were mesmerized. I've always been an expressive reader and it wasn't hard to transfer the acting part of the storytelling to my "reading" of it.
I figure that I will start out developing a few stories that I like and then start offering my services free at a couple of schools to get feedback and then move toward charging money for it. What do you guys think?
In case you are interested here is a link to the storyteller that inspired me: Her name is Milbre Burch and as you can see on her website she teaches storytelling as well. If you like stories, I highly recommend that you consider squeezing a few bucks and buy one or two recordings. I highly recommend "In the Family Way" and "The World is the Storyteller's Village".
Another reason I am leaning toward this is that it can be done on a volunteer basis. I can do it as frequently or as rarely as I like and I don't have to put on some kind of corporate style in order to do it. In fact, my usual long skirt, flat shoes, weird jewelry and grey hair is not out of place.