Long Time

Oct 01, 2007 01:25

It's really been awhile since I wrote last.  I don't have anything much to say about the horse situation except that Curt is thinking of selling Hustle...sort of.  But he's also expecting a raise which might allow him to keep Hustle and give me some money for lessons or to save.  We're continuing on with our massive campaign to relieve ourselves of debt.  I am completely for this and have been trying to be cooperative by not spending much money and I've been doing okay.

The surprising thing to mention is my health.  For just over a week I have been enjoying relatively good health.  I've been sleeping soundly (except tonight) with less medication and getting up earlier.  I've been up for a few hours without pain meds and have gotten myself down most days to 2 pain pills a day.

I am now reducing my sinequan because I'm starting to show some signs of tardive dyskinesia--some involuntary hand shaking, those muscle jumps you get when you are going to sleep and also my jaw shaking when I am going to sleep.  Supposedly these are not reversible but I've noticed the muscle jumps are much better now that I am on half of the meds I was on before.  And, yes, before you ask, my doctor knows that I'm reducing my meds.

Because I am so much less depressed, I have been interested in doing some needlework.  I have looked at hundreds of designs but the ones that interest me the most are the most expensive of course.  I am completely infatuated with some patterns based on William Morris designs, but the kits for them are over $150 which is a lot of money for a pillow top.  I did find an acceptable kit on Amazon, bought it and then somehow it was returned to the seller marked "refused".  He and I can't understand that.  I didn't find out until he refunded my money.  His refund included the shipping fee which I thought was very generous.  He's going to save one for me in his next shipment.

Other than that life is dogs, dogs, dogs, and watching various Gordon Ramsey shows on tv.  Just finished rereading One Hundred Years of Solitude and was surprised at how easy it was to read.  I guess the sixth or seventh time is the charm.  What surprised me in reading it was how short some of the passages were about characters that I particularly liked.  I thought I remembered that various intrigues and passions lasted longer than they did.  Go figure.
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