Poltr1 asked me about

Oct 06, 2007 01:37

arabian horses,:  I added this interest when we first started taking riding lessons at an Arabian barn and were riding Arabians as lesson horses.  We've even considered buying an Arabian and by sheer happenstance might actually buy a specific Arabian if all works out.  One good thing about Arabian horses for me is that they are narrow and because I have short legs, they are very comfortable for me to ride.  They are also, as far as I've been concerned since I was a kid, the most elegant and noble of all of the horse breeds.  They are also among the oldest horse breeds, too.  Believe it or not tribal chieftains in Sudan still use Arabians as war horses to attack civilian villages.  Last Arabian comment:  I graduated from Cal Poly POmona, home of the Kellogg Arabians.

bipolar disorder,:  This is one of my many diagnoses.  My symptoms are not as severe as they were for a time, but I still struggle with balancing my emotions from time to time.

coffee:  Have been seriously addicted to smell and taste of coffee since small kid time.  I used to sneak into the kitchen and pour myself a cup of black coffee when I was only like 7 or so.  A nice cup of coffee (decaf for me after all these years) is my favorite way to end a nice meal.

fibromyalgia, :  I have this, too, and right now it is kicking my butt and running my life.  I have good days with small amounts of pain and bad days that leave me writhing in bed unable to bear it.  Luckily more of my days are somewhere in between.  I still feel bitter at how little publicity this and Chronic Fatigue get considering that an estimated 2.8 million Americans have one or the other.  You can watch people who have abnormal amounts of children day in and day out on Discovery Health and people with various disabilities but when was the last time you saw a show about this?  Uh.  Maybe NEVER.

kundalini yoga for women,:  This is a book title.  From time to time I work at using Kundalini Yoga to try to quiet my mind and my body.  Studying yoga a little bit has turned my attention toward learning compassion and trying to let go of anger and bitterness about things I cannot change.

outsider art, :  One of the best things about the internet is that artists of all kinds, but I'm mostly referring to visual artists can get exposure and even sales without the intermediary of a gallery.  Freedom to create and possibly prosper outside of the insistent demands for "the new" as long as it's just like the old in the gallery system is refreshing.  And some artists are able to price their works at a level where the non-wealthy can afford them, too.

zuni fetishes:  I have a small collection.  My most precious one is two wolves cut from the same piece of stone and "gifted"with an arrowhead and feathers.  It was my first one, too.  But I only buy the ones that speak to me.  I don't buy them just to collect them.

So, if you want to comment on my comments, please do so.  Then I will pick seven of your interests for you to write about.  :)
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