I am late.

Dec 27, 2009 00:31

How's everyone's holiday going? Hope everyone had a great Christmas :) I have so many DVDs to watch, well, I only got four, but two are films and the other two are TV show seasons. TV season DVDs are a lot to go through, because you have each episode and the commentaries, plus all the bonus stuff. I received Gladiator, The Pianist (3-disc edition :O), season 11 of The Simpsons and volume six of Family Guy plus various other gifts.

My family (dad's side) came over Christmas day. Just my family, plus my uncle, cousin and grandma lol. We spent a rediculous amount of time playing the Beatles Rockband and 'twas hilarious because my uncle and cousin hadn't played before. Today was my mom's side of the family at my grandparents. Very large family on that side. I never look forward to that, but the food is always really good lol.

This is probably a really stupid question, but Americans on my f-list, do you seriously not have milk in bags over there? I've never really payed attention to that all the countless times I've been over lol.

Oh man, last week at work, they showed me how to log on to the staff computer and check my email. I honestly do not recall having been shown this when I started. I had over 1900 emails lol.

And wtf at that terrorist attempt on a Detroit-bound flight!? Too close for comfort, way too close. Thank God we're not vacationing this year or I'd be trying to fly out of DTW tomorrow. I'm sure it's hell there right now.

I can't wait to do after-Christmas shopping 8D

christmas, work, life

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