I'm free~ as a bird now

Dec 21, 2009 01:52

lol Yes, finals are over 8D I feel very confident about the one I wrote today and also with my German one. My Holocaust class exam was a little tricky with one of the text idenitification questions, because unless you specifically remembered reading it in one of the books, it could have been either The Reader or The Sunflower. Even with the questions you couldn't tell lol. Culture & Ideas went well, I think, but I don't even want to think about my literature one :/ It's nice to be able to emerge from my room and not stay up til 3:30 studying :)

The Sunflower was an interesting book. It's the story of a Jewish prisoner in a concentration camp who was brought to see a dying SS officer who he had never met and wanted forgiveness for what he had done. The question of this is - do you forgive the officer or not? I said no, because it's not his place to act on behalf of the dead. Reaslly makes you think, though.

I still have to finish Christmas shopping. I need to get my sister something else to go with what I already got her. I bought her The Jimi Hendrix Experience's Are You Experienced vinyl. While we were in the store, I also bought myself Paul McCartney & Wings' Band on the Run vinyl ♥♥ Not in the best condition, but it still had the (ugly) folded poster, the record wasn't scratched and was only $5.

The Simpsons had it's 20th anniversary on the 17th. Kinda weird, I mean, it's a show I've been watching all my life because my dad had watched it from the beginning, which was only 3 months and two days before I was born. I still think the show is awesome. Season 21 has been fucking fantastic so far and last Sunday's episode was great. Even reruns never seem to get old. "Here we are kids: the zoo." "Well, that's great dad, except you were supposed to drive us to the newspaper." Hahaha. I saw the Bombardment episode tonight. Love that one. Whever we have a birthday and have balloons, I do that to my dog :P

Now to work on the best of 2009 post...

school, tv, christmas, simpsons

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