From twilight to starlight

Sep 19, 2005 07:24

Time to once again remind myself what I've been doing with my life.

So Friday night then, due to a lack of funds we didn't make it down to Norwich for Chains, so instead decided to check out Magenta down at Bunker's Hill. I'm a bit torn, and not as impressed as I thought I'd be. The setlist is damn near flawless *proper* 'alternative', pretty damn eclectic, and catering for most tastes. It was a bit pricey to get in though, and no drinks offers, not really that good for a room over a pub. Bailed about half twelve while at the Sneinton end of town to go to lost_in_music_'s place to pick up some software. Meandered home, got food, played with new copy of Traktor, slept.

Saturday, went to Tom's place to steal music. Then train to Birmingham about seven to get picked up by Kayte at New Street to get a lift to her place in Erdington. Party was pretty good, nice and chilled, some cool people. Met a potential evil twin (DJs and writes in the same capacity as me). Drank beer (bad and wrong) and vodka (much better). Played manly games like arm wrestling and mercy. Messed around with strange Napster jukebox. Introduced the wonders of 'Hobbits...' to a Birmingham crowd. Crashed out around six.

Lift back to station on Sunday after recouperating and watching The One, and no trains to Nottingham, at all. Initiative kicked in so caught the next to Derby (a packed Glasgow express), in Derby I found that there were 'engineering works' stopping trains to Nottingham, necessitating a bus ride the rest of the way. Once back in Notts headed to the Zebra house where akathesia cooked a lovely cottage pie for Sunday dinner. A brief stop at home to pick stuff up, an even briefer stint at the Speak Easy, more to see people than to take part in the quiz, and then night shift at work.

And soon the sleep.

birmingham, weekend

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