If I were a community, this would be a party post!

Sep 11, 2011 17:34


I'm so ridic excited! I honestly thought I'd have moved on during the insanely long hiatus, but I'm fangirling all over this.

Things I want from Season Three:

- ELIJAH. The show basically needs to stop killing him off every time they want to increase the badassness quotient of the other characters (because we all know that nobody is quite as badass when they stand in the same frame as Elijah).

- Elena needs to be a bitchy, insecure, teenage mess and I will be severely annoyed if she isn't. The girl's gone through an insane amount in a really short period and she just needs to break down right about now and occasionally say 'fuck this shit, I'm going to get Caroline to compel the bartender to get me beer bottles and overcome even my insanely high tolerance that everyone remembers from Bloodlines.

- Caroline needs to be a part of the main storylines. No more, 'oh hey Care, you dance well, btw Klaus is here'. And if you plan on going the cheerleader face-off or something, show, do not reduce all of Caroline's wonderful characteristics and make her all about the clothes and the boys because she is not.

- Outside Couple Bonding. Sometimes I feel this show is almost too invested in its triangles and tends to neglect all the wonderful relations outside it (WHY HASN'T STEFAN/CAROLINE BEEN DEVEOPED SINCE MID SECOND SEASON?). I'm a shipper at heart, I mostly watch only to ship (except LOST because that shit is amazing regardless and they killed off my main ship in the first season) and so for me to feel that means that the show must have shown my awesome potential. Give me Bonnie/Caroline/Elena sleepovers. Damon/Alaric bromance. Tyler/Jeremy/Matt. Stefan/Caroline. Elena/Elijah. Damon/Caroline. Jeremy/Damon. Ghost!Anna/Ghost!Vicki. Anything. Because one of the best scenes in this show, even though it has no relation to anything, has to be:

- Damon/Elena snark ala season one. I don't want to hear Damon's ~confessions of love or whatever, I want to see what he's feeling. I want Ian's perfect expressions from season one where it's written all over his face that he's falling in love with Elena, even as he tries so hard not to show it. Give me scenes where they're together and uncomfortable or fighting or aware and denying it because their chemistry doesn't come out more than in those scenes, trufax.

- STEFAN. Okay, ripper!Stefan is going to be awesome, so no comments. But don't tell me that Damon's conflicted about whether to save his brother or not because I refuse to believe it. More than anything I want Damon/Stefan interactions, for them to respond to each other instead of via Elena.

- FLASHBACKS. Katherine (lots and lots of Katherine in present and past days) or Stefan at that Bon Jovi concert with Lexi or Elena pre-Salvatores. I know most of this is probably not going to happen but it would kind of be epic if it did.

- MATT. He's basically been hanging around for two seasons with no storyline except when he's being mean to Caroline (not cool, brother, you get the Evil Eye for messing with my bb) and seriously, he just need something to do. And something apart from the Tyler/Caroline (who've totally been heating up the promos ~whoa) dynamic, please. He can be under Alarics's patronage and train to be a vampire hunter or something. Don't waste the pretty, writers.

- BONNIE. Don't send her off to visit someone or hide in some witchy place for multiple episodes, unless of course Katerina Graham's off being awesome somewhere else.

- DAMON/ANDIE RESOLUTION. Do not show me shit you're not going to address, show. Especially if it involves mind-control and sex.

- Damon's season one hair /shallow

Also, here, have some icons before season three comes and changes the canon. (I'm not sure how that's related but have some icons anyway). First time trying textures, so. I also wrote Caroline!fic and got a new journal layout, I feel so productive. :D










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+ Enjoy, yo!


icons, in soviet russia post tags you, fandom: the vampire diaries, why the world shouldn't end in 2012, freud probably has a theory on it, fangirling as a day job, discussion: the vampire diaries

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