[MM] december 1. 3, bruce lee quote

Dec 01, 2008 23:47

[Part one here.]

“Truth has no path. Truth is living and, therefore, changing. Awareness is without choice, without demand, without anxiety; in that state of mind, there is perception. To know oneself is to study oneself in action with another person. Awareness has no frontier; it is giving of your whole being, without exclusion.” --Bruce Lee

It isn't something that Seth can just turn off. All through class, every second through dinner, every moment he doesn't talk to Ryan, all Seth can think about are horrible creatures with fangs and claws. They say ignorance is bliss, but Seth can't decide if he'd take ignorance over this any day.

Once again the graveyard's parking lot is virtually empty. The difference between now and Saturday is Seth is alone. He doesn't have a demon hunter to "show him the ropes" and he certainly doesn't have a bag of nifty-helpful weapons.

Before he can do anything, Seth knows he needs something to fight with, should a vampire decide to rise or just - be there. Talking to Elle before he had mentioned a tree branch. As far as he remembers, a tree branch should do the trick. Now all he needed was a branch low enough and short enough.

Spotting something along the lines of a branch that might work he walks over, trying to break the branch off. This is stupid, he thinks. This is stupid and moronic and maybe he did dream the existence of vampires and maybe he didn't kiss Ryan on Friday. Maybe he's just dozing off in the pool house. Maybe he'll wake up and Akira will be just finishing up.

Except, this seems pretty real.

Bringing up his foot, he tries to pull the branch again, falling backwards.

"That's just great," he says. So far, his mission in trying to tell Ryan the truth has resulted in his ass back on the ground. Seth didn't choose this. Sure, he chose to kiss Ryan. But he didn't choose to find out about vampires and demons.

But he did choose to drive to the cemetery that night.

Brushing off the dirt, he stands up and has another go at the branch. During his second attempt he catches sight of a shovel leaning next to a grave.

"How strangely convenient and warily foreboding," he says, taking one look around him before making his way over to the shovel. "OK, I've seen this done in the movies. It's a piece of cake." Picking up the shovel, he holds it horizontally with both hands before bringing it down as he simultaneously brings his knee up. Pain shoots through his body, the shovel not broken but his knee might as well be.

Leaning against the grave, he gets a thought before limping over to the tree he had been at only a moment before. One swing against the tree and bark goes flying but the shovel stays intact.

"Damn it," he says, the vibration reverberating back into his arms. Another try and nothing changes - his arms once again like spaghetti. "Well, fuck," he adds, looking down at his shovel dejected.

"Need help with that," a voice asks from behind him. The voice is female and comforting and not at all dangerous.

Seth turns around, his one hand coming to the back of his head sheepishly.

"I'm just trying to break--" he starts, before he gets a good look at the woman before him. Of course she's a vampire.

Of course.

The vamp takes his shovel and breaks it over her knee quickly before throwing the pieces away, tilting her head. "Well, aren't you a smart one, just hanging out in cemeteries breaking shovels," she says, backing him up.

"I've been smarter," he interrupts, bringing his finger up.

"Well, I can believe that..." she replies, her hands coming to her hips. A second goes by. "I'll give you a ten second head start. Ten. Nine."

On eight, Seth rolls away, grabbing the broken end of the shovel and tumbles trying to come to a standing position. He pulls himself up, facing the vamp, trying to stand in some kind of fighting stance.

"Forget the the head start," she says, closing in on Seth.

Oh, yeah.

This was a good idea. Prime idea. Wonderful idea, Seth.

[plot l some of my best friends, [community l mad muses, [plot l you slay me

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