Mar 12, 2008 17:47
What does yosnowden not want to do? Yosnowden does not want to prepare lectures for the class that starts in two weeks!
The original plan was to use the weekends in March for class prep, but I've either been lazy or sick as dog (mostly the former rather than the latter) for the past two weekends. Next weekend I'm out of town, so it'd better be now. As in right now. Instead of writing this post. Oh well. I've been justifying my laziness by saying that I've taught almost the same course before, that it's simply been reorganized a bit. I'm afraid this is nonsense, however. Reorganization and lengthening of the class means reorganization and lengthening of the lectures, which probably means it would be easier just to start from scratch. My task wasn't made any easier today because I purchased the exorbitantly expensive parking pass I need so I can get to the class. The campus is actually close enough that I could reasonably bike there from home, but as I'd be ending rather late and my neighborhood is a pretty awful place after dark, I vetoed that idea. So with the pass leaving a bad taste in my mouth for an already unpalatable task, I suppose I ought to simply get started.