Somewhere New

Oct 30, 2008 20:40

You know how there's that fairly well known model of the stages of grief: Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression and Acceptance? I reckon there's probably a similar model for the stages of stress too, in which case I would probably consider myself to be in the stage of indifference.
Actually, I'd say it's been like this for at least a month or so now. Get up in the morning feeling all meh. Sit on the train having a nap feeling meh. Get to work feeling meh. Go home feeling meh. Then go to bed feeling meh. Well, except for the weekends - those are a bit more "WHOO HOO SLEEP IN! \o/"
Actually, come to think of it, maybe the answer would be simply to get more sleep every night... >_>

...HA! Like that's going to happen. Unless I can ever find a job that lets me knock off at 3pm. :B Oh well.

But in the mean time, FALLOUT thrEEEEE! \o_o/ Hurray for escapism! :'D

work, ramble

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