Duck And Cover

Nov 09, 2008 19:02

So, who here likes having to work 6 days a week? Yes, I know you do. Don't lie, you love it. LOVE IT! O_O


On the plus side, at least there has been plenty of Fallout 3 action to help escape reality, if only for a couple hours a day. Speaking of a couple hours a day, every free moment I've had for the past week or so has been put into this game, so I guess you could say that I like the game. ._.

Say hello to my leettle frien'!
Now, I used to be a big fan, a really big fan, of the first two Fallout games. Or, more specifically, of the second game, since I grew attached to that one first. So, I was a little skeptic at first when I heard of Fallout 3 being developed, notwithstanding that this time around the sequel was being made by an entirely different developer.
I think everybody who was a fan of the first two games had questions as to whether the choice to go into a first person style of game, and move more towards real time combat was a good one. Having played it for a week, I gotta say that the world just feels so much more real from this perspective than it ever has before.

Mother always said I sat too close to the TV
I'm sure there are probably still kids who would rather spend their time whining about the changes rather than play the game - there always is. The only complaint that I have which I miss from the first two games is that, because combat was always turn based, nothing would ever jump out at you from around a dark corner or what not.
Being startled is just not my thing, but hey, when you're travelling around the capital wastelands, there has to be a certain level of unpredictability I suppose.

Cheer up emo kid
What is really cool is that you never do know what's around the next corner. In a lot of the pre-release video interviews, the Bethesda guys would talk about how they wanted the game to always feel fresh, that everywhere you went there was a new experience.
Typically, that kind of talk by a company sounds like marketing wanking to me. You know the story - you take the game or whatever home, play for 20 minutes and see that the things that they promised are so subtle and so not a main part of the game that it all feels like a bit of false advertising.
So, I'm a little pleasant surprised that this game delivers on that talk. 50 hours in, and I've rarely thought to myself "Meh, I've been through these motions before" and instead, find myself thinking "Oh cool, I wonder what's over/in/near that hill/building/tunnel."

I can't even begin to tell you what's wrong with this picture
So, Fallout 3. Probably the closest thing to hallucinogenic drugs I have at the moment to help me forget just how dull my life is at the moment. And as an added bonus, it's given me a new found appreciation for music from the 40s and 50s, too. Good times all around. :3

games, screenshots, fallout 3

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