Aug 27, 2004 14:14
it's that time of the year when STAPLES starts airing that "it's the most wonderful time of the year" back-to-school commercial. :P
so our school has decided to jump on the bandwagon and put everything online now, so in order to get grades, schedules, transcripts, you have to know your personal password. well i forgot my password cause it's so damn obscure, and had to go today to the office to have them look it up for me, because i needed to get on to get my official schedule for this next semester. so when i finally got everything and logged in, i went to the page to look at my schedule, and in true uarts fashion (nothing is EVER done completely or on time) the schedule they list has the times of the classes, but it fails to mention the day of the week that each class is on. ugh! so i had to go rummaging through my whole apartment to find the damn temporary schedule that i got months ago when i registered. and i would have just looked for this one earlier, but it doesn't list the classroom numbers because at the time, that wasn't assigned. so i need BOTH of these schedules in order to know where and when everything is. so stupid. i really hate uarts sometimes. no correction, i hate the way uarts is run. all the departments are so lax in everything in they do, it's like pulling teeth to get anything you want done right. and they are all so bitchy. hey bastards, i make up your paycheck every month. the thousands of fuckin dollars i spend every fuckin semester keep you in a job. ugh! sorry this went further than i intended it to. i just get angry with that school.
so i have to make up my schedule for work for this coming semester. by some miraculous thing from god, i don't have ANY classes on friday this semester, which as you know, is incredibly hard to pull off! ESPECIALLY at uarts! the problem is, i work. and in order to keep my job, i'm gonna have to work on fridays. hopefully though, i can drop 2 of my classes and add another that will allow me to get some more hours in. here's hoping *crosses fingers* we'll see that happens.