Sep 03, 2004 10:04
well junior year has begun, and i am very excited about it. i think i am really going to love this year. this is the year when i get to do things MY way. every assignment has a purpose and a theme, and however i choose to convey those, is totally up to me. if i want to oil paint, or watercolor, or cut paper, or whatever, it's my choice. i love that. i finally get to experiment and have some fun. and i'm so much more motivated, so it's really good.
one of my prof's is Mark Tochett, who just happens to be the HEAD of the illustration dept. kinda scary, but kinda cool at the same time. it's really gonna push me to do well in his class. i mean i can't very well let the head honcho down, can i? the one thing that did kinda annoy me about him though, was we were sitting in his class yesterday, and he just talked about how wonderful uarts is for an hour. he kept going on and on about how greta uarts illustration is, and how lucky we are to be here, and how most other schools aren't as good as us, and how we're 5th in the nation for illustration, just on and on. it was like as if he was trying to convince us to go to the frickin school! dude, we're here already. we know it's good. we wouldn't be here if we didn't. oh well. guess it can kinda be expected when you have the chair of the dept as your teacher. in any event, it should turn out to be quite a year :)