Jpop/Jdrama Meme (from Tumblr)

Jul 09, 2010 21:30

Posting this in a hurry, because I have to leave in a few mins.

Japanese drama/pop meme.

Day 1: Your favorite j-pop group
Day 2: Your ultimate j-pop bias
Day 3: Your favorite j-drama
Day 4: Your favorite j-drama actor
Day 5: Your favorite j-drama actress

Day 1: Your favorite j-pop group - Kanjani8

Yes, it’s actually these crazy guys. Not Arashi. Or so I claim.

But anyway, I love these guys in all their insanity. They’re not the best singers around, and they’re not the most handsome, but their craziness pulled me back from my own not-so-good crazy days. So thank you, Eito. Your insanity pulled me back from mine. ;p

Day 2: Your ultimate j-pop bias

Ohkura Tadayoshi (Tacchon) is my ultimate jpop bias.

I may love Sho and Ryo, but Tacchon is still my favorite. for now *bricked*

He's been my favorite since I watched episode 1 of "Yasuko to Kenji", raw. But it all started when I saw him in the Wahaha PV. And the first time I went "aww" over him was when I saw him during the Ashita perf in the Spirits!! DVD. I thought he'd be my favorite for just a season or two, but it's been a couple of years, and he's still my ichiban.

I can't really explain why, except...he calms me down. Just seeing his smile makes me smile, too. And that's not something even my 2nd and 3rd favorites, Sho and Ryo, can do. He may not be as flashy as the others, but Tacchon makes me feel better, in a calmer and quieter way. ♥

Oh, and I love his shirt in this picture. I love his love for food, which makes this picture one of my absolute favorites. ^__^

Day 3: Your favorite j-drama
Gokusen, I guess. It was the first jdrama I ever saw, and it’s the one that got me into jpop and jdramas in the first place. I’ve seen all three seasons of the live drama, watched the movie, followed the anime, read the manga. I don’t know why I like it so much..because it’s fun, I guess?
Another favorite jdrama: Hana Yori Dango. Yeah, I know, everyone loves this drama. But…it’s such a good drama, I can’t deny it. And I read the manga for this as well, but was too lazy to watch the anime (which I have a copy of).
And the drama that amazes me the most: Liar Game. Akiyama’s strategies blow my mind! He’s so amazing! Though I hated seeing Nao-chan’s stupidity, Akiyama’s amazingness is more than enough reason to watch this drama.

Day 4: Your favorite j-drama actor

Matsuda Shota desu.
I’ve watched 7 of his dramas. (9 if you count those with more than 1season)
I admit, I like his looks, but he has talent as well. I really really liked him when he cried in Hana Yori Dango season 2. He didn’t look pretty when he cried there, unlike some actors who still try to look pretty when they’re crying. If he can pull off that much emotion, he gets my vote.
And his roles are usually cool guys, which I love.

Day 5: Your favorite j-drama actress
A bit unusual, and not so easy to explain, but my favorite Jdrama actress is Kashii Yu. Yes, she’s not that famous. But I do like the roles I’ve seen her in. I’ve seen her in 5 dramas and 2 movies.
My favorite Kashii Yu character is Hakushika Noriko. I really liked the way she played the rich oujou-san. Most, if not all, of her are the serious type, and she carries the roles well, with different nuances for each different character.

ohkura tadayoshi, dorama, meme, kanjani8

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