Idle day at work

Sep 07, 2010 19:58

So. I could've gone home 3hours into my shift, but I was stupid enough to click that compliance requirement. I finished it around rush hour, and now I have to wait until my shift is over. If I leave now...I'd be in transit for around 2 hours. In a dress and heels. No thanks.

Instead, I'll take this opportunity to update LJ while I wait for a car to bring me home.

First, sorry about there being nothing in here except the random work complaint. It's because I pretty much spend all my waking hours at work (at least 12hours a day), and it's come to the point where work is my nightmares dreams.

Now. On to the fandom updates.

1. Dramas
The dramas I'm watching and following this season are Joker, NatsuNiji, and GM Odore Doctor.
Yes, in that order. I'm addicted to JOKER and NatsuNiji, and can't wait for the subs!!!

As for GM Odore...well, I have no choice but to wait as subs for the first two eps just came in. I've watched the 1st ep, and the 2nd ep stops 6mins into the ep. :( But it's pretty interesting... I do want to feed Tacchon though. He's getting too thin. :(

2. Music
I got my (LE) copies of Kanjani8's LIFE ~Me no mae no mukou e~ and Wonderful World and Arashi's Bokura no Miteiru Fuukei last Monday. I opened the Arashi LE, but the Kanjani8 ones joined my collection. I haven't opened a Kanjan8 LE since... Wahaha? And all 7 LEs of "Kanfuu Fighting" sit unopened and on display. *sigh*

- LIFE pv.... not much to say about this, except... the song doesn't sound much like Eito. I kinda think it sounds more like TOKIO. And now that I think about it, the set reminds me of KAT-TUN's Real Face. But the message is pretty good. And it motivates me to hang in here a little longer, even though I'm stressed and overworked. Just a little longer, though.
- My favorite out of all the solos this time is "Trickster". I love the smirk, Yoko. ;) Evil!Yoko is so cool. ;)
-"Dear..." kinda reminds me of kpop. And Hina, I'm sorry to say you fail at the kpop imitation.
- "Topop" is so catchy. And so gay. I'm sorry, but... pink and white cotton candy heart?! This is probably the only video in the series that's not so kakkoii. But it's soooo Yasu! XD
-"Kitto Shiawase ga Kimi ni Matteru" is soooo depressing. Sorry, Tacchon, seeing you so emo frustrates me. The only good thing I see in this PV is the mystery. What's with the pram? Why are Eito all gathered in the park in suits?!??!?! WHY is Tacchon CRYING?!?!??!?!?!?!?
- The teaser!!!! What is with that?!?! And no, don't tell me the live event is the end of it. No, I don't believe that. I think there's something more coming up. A movie, maybe? hmmm... I'd SOOOO watch it if one comes out!!!!
- "Aosashin" makes me feel so sad. Whenever I hear "ano hi no shounen no yume", I think, did I ever have dreams/goals? *sigh* But I like the song.
- "Jackhammer" is growing on me. Haven't really processed the lyrics, though.
- I love the "Kyuu Jou Show" remix~! I've loved it since I heard it during the Countdown DVD credits. XD

b. Bokura no Miteiru Fuukei
- I like all the songs...or I haven't found any that I don't like, at any rate.
- MatsuJun's song gets stuck in my head. It drives me nuts!!! (>.<)
- I love the booklet! ^__^ And I saw that there's a JAL version? But it's so expensive! I wonder what's different about it, besides the cover... does it have a different booklet as well?

3. Shows
- I've been watching a lot of Arashi shows, because there are lots of shows in the first place, and there are lots of Arashi subbers. I love AniShi with Kokobun Taichi and Joushima Shigeru~! And I've been craving Chinese fried rice since I saw MatsuJun cooking it. XD
- The Mannequin 5 Summer SP is amazing! I didn't know there was such a big mall in Japan... sirgallant said the malls there are smaller...? But I guess there are huge shopping malls in some parts of Japan as well. And LOL at the results! Mr. Last Place really needs a hug. >^__^<


Yosh. All updated. Until next time~! ;) BTW it took more than an hour to type this entry because I got in bits and pieces of work. XD

P.S. Location says Singapore still. Oh how I love these Singapore servers. XD

real life, arashi, fangirling, work, kanjani8

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