
this, that, and the other thing

Mar 04, 2008 22:58

I broke down and bought another jacket. I don't know why I keep doing it - I have, like, 1762345 jackets already (okay, maybe 8 or 9). I just can't get enough! A nice jacket is an awful lot like crack cocaine.

Also, if you haven't checked out Stuff White People Like, you should. It's an in-depth ethnography of white culture that describes things that white people likes, and gives reasons as to why. Things like 'bottled water', 'recycling', 'Kitchen Gagets' and 'Japan' are explained and demistified. As a whitey myself, I must say that a lot of their points are true, although they need to realize that not all whiteys are the same (Americans vs Canadians vs Europeans) and that there are subspecies of whiteys, like 'yuppies' and 'neo-hippies'. Anyways, check it out.

'The Way Crows Sing' and 'Foundling' have circled around and are back out in the world.

the way crows sing, submission, jackets, foundling, stuff white people like

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