DAY FOURTEEN ★ destination

Nov 21, 2015 21:55

Username: yeolis
Prompt #: Original Prompt
Title: Destination
Ship: Lay/Yifan
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 2,699 words
Summary: The owner of the phone Yifan found in the library just happens to be someone he’s been waiting for.
Notes: this was a last minute thing. i hope y’all like it anyway :)

There’s a phone vibrating somewhere. Yifan lifts his eyes from his book and scans the surroundings. There’s no one around him and his phone doesn’t vibrate like that. Besides, he would feel it in his coat pocket if it did vibrate. It’s so weird. There’s no one around and no phone in sight. But he can hear the thing buzzing. It’s a library for christ’s sake, there is a rule about sounds coming out of phones -- any kind of sounds. The buzzing stops after a while, so Yifan returns to his book, crossing his legs and leaning more comfortably on the armchair. That’s why he likes this place. They have all sorts of genres and their chairs are awesome. He’s almost done reading the page when he’s interrupted.

By the buzzing.

Closing his book in annoyance, Yifan stands up and walks around trying to find the responsible for such a bother. When he finds this person, he’ll give them an earful. How dare they disturb his reading! Yifan searches and searches, but there’s only people where the sound can’t be heard anymore, which means the damn phone is near him. Maybe this is a lost phone. Someone could have forgotten or dropped it in the section he’s sitting at. He runs his eyes across the shelves, following the buzzing until he finds it. It’s still vibrating when he grabs it, turning it slightly around to have a better look. The phone doesn’t look new, the purple case scratched around the edges. The screen itself has a few marks, a sign that whoever owns this is not careful. The number flashing on the screen isn’t saved as a contact; maybe it’s the owner seeking for his lost object. Yifan slides the answer option and presses it to his ear.

“Hello?” he tries.

“Oh thank god hello! This is my phone, I think I lost it somewhere?” the man on the other side of the line sounds desperate, a little out of breath even, but what calls Yifan’s attention is the fact that he has no clue where he lost his phone.

“You don’t know where you lost your phone?”

“Of course I don’t know where I lost my phone, it’s lost, mister!” the owner says, followed by a snort. Yifan frowns. “Can you please be helpful and tell me where you are?”

The audacity! “Is that how you speak to the person who found your stuff?”

“Look, mister, I’m sorry, but I have a job interview in a few minutes and I can’t go back to retrieve the phone.” the man says. He sounds like he’s running. “Could you just… Tell me where you are so I can go pick it up later? Or… Just drop by.”

“I’m not staying here much longer, dude, I have my own errands to run.” Yifan looks around to check if anyone can hear him. This is a library after all, no phone interactions allowed.

The phone owner sighs, “Fine, just hide it somewhere.”

“Thousands of people browse through these shelves daily. Do you really want one of them finding your phone?” Yifan reasons.

“So you’re in the library!” the man exclaims, laughing right after. “Of course, I put it on the shelf while I was looking for this book! Rather disappointing, though. The title is interesting but I didn’t like the premise.”

“What book are you talking about?” slowly, Yifan returns to his previous spot on the armchair.

“It’s called ‘The smile of the chicken and the sound of the wings’,” he explains sounding dutiful. “You have to admit that it irks your curiosity.”

Sounds like a pretty dumb book, but Yifan makes a mental note to search for it later. Because the title… “It certainly does,” he says half-heartedly. “If you lost your phone, where are you calling from? You sound like you’re out of breath, so I assume you’re on the move.”

“Oh yeah! This is my work phone, the one you have is my personal phone.”

“So you’re one of those people?” Yifan smirks, nodding.

“What? What people?” the phone owner says ’thank you’ to someone and Yifan can hear the other person answering ’you’re welcome’. The background sounds have diminished like he walked into a building.

“The kind of people that own two phones?”

“Ah…” the man sounds distracted. It takes him a while to utter his next sentence. “Hey listen, I just got to my work interview place. I’ll have to hang up soon, can we figure out how I’m getting my phone back? I really need it.”

“Oh, yes.” Yifan hums, thinking about his schedule. He has to be at the clinic around 5 PM today, so he has two hours to spare. “I’ll head to work in 2 hours, so we can meet somewhere in between.”

“This interview will probably take twenty minutes. Where is convenient for you to meet?”

“There’s a cafe downstairs from my workplace, we can meet there. It’s not far from the library.”

“That’s good, I’m ten minutes away from the library. Text the address to this number and I’ll meet you there.”

“Alright. Good luck on your interview.”

“Thanks. Don’t forget to text me the address!”

And he hangs up. Yifan gazes down at the phone, twirling it in his hands for a while. He’s left with a weird feeling in his gut after the call. Like he’s been through this situation before. Or as if he knew that would happen. Strange. He wonders if the owner has set a passcode for access (maybe he should have asked for his name). Surprisingly, there’s not a passcode, so Yifan just unlocks the screen and is met with a blue screen wallpaper. There are a lot of bank apps and math apps -- really. Mechanical, geometric, diagrams and all sorts of calculations. Maybe this man is a mathematician. He has Kakaotalk and Line installed. Yifan ponders. No. That’s too much. He moves on to the camera roll, hoping to find any indication of what this man looks like.

He does find what the man looks like, but along with it, Yifan gets a shock. He knows this guy. He knows him. It’s Zhang Yixing. Yifan would recognize that dimple anywhere; how didn’t he recognize Yixing’s voice? Has it really been that long? That explains all the math apps.

They met on a house party about one year ago (one year and two months, Yifan remembers that day as clear as day). Chanyeol dragged Yifan under the excuse of getting the tension out after working the whole day, but Yifan knew the real reason his coworker wanted to go to that party. Jongin would be there, and at that time Chanyeol was obsessively trying to get in his pants. He succeeded eventually but had to work for it. It was a good thing that Yifan was dragged there anyway. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have met Yixing.

“Do you believe in destiny?” was the first thing that Yixing said to him. Yifan was in the kitchen trying to find a clean cup to get some beer when this guy talked to him. Yixing was sitting on the counter, a pensive expression on. At the time, Yifan didn’t know if he was drunk or just weird.

“Me?” he questioned.

“Yeah, you.” Yixing chuckled and took a sip of his drink. It was water, but Yifan didn’t know that. “Do you believe in destiny? That there’s a reason why we’re all here today?”

Frowning, Yifan tilted his head to the side. “Why do you ask?”

Yixing blinked, then shrugged, his eyes never leaving Yifan’s. “I was just wondering about the things that lead to life events, you know? How they happen. Like… If you decided to go anywhere other than here tonight would you have been hit by a car? Or would you have stopped by a convenience store, and there you would have met the love of your life. You know? That sort of stuff.”

Yifan could have turned around and left at that moment. Instead, he approached Yixing. “I’m a doctor,” he announced. “and I see people making these kinds of questions all the time. Could I have avoided this if I hadn’t consumed that much sugar? Would he have been hit by that car if he’d left home 10 minutes earlier?”

Yixing nodded frantically, pointing his index finger at Yifan. “Exactly!”

“Are you a doctor too?”

“Not really, I’m an engineer.” Yixing wiggled his eyebrows and smiled. Yifan smiled back because he thought such a pretty smile needed a reaction. “But I’ve been thinking.”

“It’s a good thing to do. To think.” Yifan stretched his hand. “I’m Wu Yifan.”

Yixing held his hand and shook it lightly. “Nice to meet you, doctor Wu. I’m Zhang Yixing. My profession doesn’t come with a fancy title.” Yifan laughed and Yixing made space for him on the counter.

They talked about all sorts of things that night. Destiny, the small things that only act as an introduction to major events, and astrology. Yifan talked about his profession and Yixing talked about when his father tried to stop him from being an engineer, which led to him talking about his environmental lawyer parents and their pet tiger that tried to kill them. They talked about their favorite movies and books and the kind of music they liked to hear and surprisingly found out that they were absolutely compatible. That led to both of them reading their zodiac sign compatibility and finding out they’re a match in love, a perfect match in sex, and have poor communication skills.

“This website says that for anything to work between us, we have to be ready for commitment,” Yixing said, reading from his phone screen.

“I don’t have a problem with commitment,” Yifan replied from their spot on the kitchen. “Although it might be tricky since I’m always working.”

“I’m emotional, you’re analytical. We’re opposites.” Yixing looked up from his screen and faced Yifan. “You know what they say about opposites, don’t you?”

That happened a while ago, but there’s nothing in the world that will erase from Yifan’s memory how beautiful that man looked. They decided to put the theory to practice and managed to find an empty bedroom. Yifan and Yixing spent the rest of the night locked in, trying anything and everything until they were out of stamina, then recovering and getting tangled up in each other all over again. At last, someone knocked on the door and announced the end of the party. Yifan wasn’t ready to go out, but his dick was starting to get sore and he was sure Yixing felt the same. They got dressed and Yifan handed Yixing his phone.

“Give me your number.” he said.

Buttoning his pants, Yixing hummed, thoughtful. “Should I?”

Yifan huffed, “Are you kidding me?” he pointed to the bed. “That just happened and you’re questioning if you should give me your number?”

“That’s not what I meant.” Yixing laughed, retrieving his t-shirt from the floor. “Remember everything we talked about today? Destiny and all?” Yifan kept silent. Yixing put on his t-shirt and walked towards him. “I wanna know if we’re meant to be.”

“We proved the theory right. Sex is great! What other proof do you need?” Yifan remembers panicking. He didn’t like where that was going. All he wanted was the safety of having Yixing’s number in his contacts.

Yixing chuckled, both hands coming to rest on Yifan’s hips. Even their heights were compatible, Yifan was just taller enough to allow Yixing to tiptoe lightly to reach his lips.

“I won’t give you my number.” the smaller said, lips barely touching Yifan’s. “If we’re meant to be, we’ll find each other somehow. It’s a small world, Dr. Wu.”

With one last kiss, Yixing left him feeling whole and empty all at once. For months, Yifan walked around waiting to find him at unusual places, but he never really looked for Yixing. He couldn’t, that would be cheating. Because as annoyed as he was with the whole “I’m not giving you my number” thing, he too wanted them to find each other naturally.

It took too long, but it finally happened. Yifan runs both hands through his hair trying to contain his excitement (and the shriek he wants to let out) not to disturb the other readers in the library. He hurries out of the building and into his car. He should be there already when Yixing arrives at the café.

The barista at Chocolate Beans knows him, greeting Yifan with a warm smile and an offer of his favorite drink, which Yifan politely refuses, reasoning that he’s waiting for someone. The mere thought of this someone being Yixing sends a wave of anxiety down his body and Yifan’s legs at unease. He can’t seem to quiet down, so he unlocks the purple cased phone once again and goes through the photos one more time. Yixing looks a little different from when they met. Darker hair, shorter too. Just as handsome.

When the doorbell rings, Yifan’s head shoots up. It’s not Yixing. And that repeats a few times until he looks up and feels all air stolen from his lungs. It’s him. Yixing. He’s right there, walking in a red beanie and a black coat. Little strands of his dark hair appearing under the beanie and dear god, can he get any more handsome? Yixing scans the store in search for the person who has his phone, eyes superficially going over Yifan twice. The third time he does it, Yifan makes sure to wave with his phone very lightly, watching Yixing’s eyes narrow in inspection, then widen in surprise.

“Yifan?” he asks, stepping closer.

Yifan cracks a laugh, placing Yixing’s phone on the table and crossing his arms on his chest. He might be shaking. Just a little. “I’m surprised you didn’t recognize my voice.”

“I really didn’t.” Yixing is visibly baffled when he takes the seat in front of Yifan. His hand automatically reaches for his phone, but his eyes never leave the other’s.

“It’s ok, I didn’t recognize yours either.” Yifan says and Yixing just nods, his mouth ajar and giving hints of a smile.

“Wow, this is… Wow.”

“Right?” Yifan chuckles.

“I haven’t seen you in like, a year?”

Humming, Yifan tilts his head. “A year and two months precisely.” He hopes it’s not too weird he knows exactly how long it’s been, but judging by the way Yixing just looks perplexed by their encounter, he assumes this is totally irrelevant now.

“Wow, this is… Really something.” Yixing scratches the back of his neck. “I broke up with my boyfriend two weeks ago.”

Yifan’s stomach clenches at the word boyfriend. The fact that Yixing had a boyfriend, even if for a short period, is a clear indication that he hasn’t been sitting and waiting for Yifan to pop back into his life. Waiting was not a part of their “thing”, there’s no reason for Yifan to feel betrayed. Besides, the way Yixing mentions it makes it seem like the breakup happened for a reason, meaning he still believes in--


The dimpled grin takes Yifan’s breath away. “Exactly.”

They just stare at each other for a while, and Yifan is pretty sure Yixing too is basking in how amazing the course of things is. They were supposed to meet again to make sure they’re meant to be, and here they are.

“And there I was,” Yixing breaks the silence. “hating myself for losing my phone. Little did I know…”

“That are the little things that lead to big life events.” Yifan completes. It’s impossible to shake off the grin now. He just can’t when Yixing is right there, smiling back at him. “I have a practice upstairs and a few minutes to kill. Do you want to grab a coffee and check out some x-rays? Maybe talk astrology and read our horoscope?”

Yixing chuckles, bright, sparkly eyes and adorable dimple screaming “yes” before the words can even leave his mouth. “Well…” he pockets his little thing of a phone. “Lead the way, Dr. Wu.”

day 14, *fanfiction, rating: pg-13, ship: lay/yifan

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