DAY FOURTEEN ★ disenchanted

Nov 21, 2015 21:55

Username: suhoneydew
Prompt #: 222 [prompt details]Enchanted!AU where Kris - a single father of one - leads an ordinary life until one day he and his daughter meet a weird (but really cute and handsome) prince, named prince Suho, who claims he's come from another world to save his princess but then after he meets Kris, he is not sure with whom he is meant to be. Maybe not all prince charmings end up with a princess.
Title: Disenchanted
Ship: Suho/Yifan
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 2,440 words
Warnings: brief brief mentions of adultery
Summary: Single father Yifan spends his time indulging in his daughter’s Disney fantasies. You would think a prince suddenly arriving at his doorstep wouldn’t be such a big deal.
Notes: This was such a cute prompt I’m sorry I kinda ran with it a little ; ; I might expand this into a chaptered fic eventually, haha. Thank you to the mods for being so patient and running such a lovely fest <3

“-addy. Daddy. Daddy!” Yifan startles awake, nearly falling off the couch. “Movie’s over, daddy.” Sophia says matter-of-factly before licking off caramel from her fingers. Yifan wrinkles his nose at that-she just had a bath and oh God, there’s brown sticky stains on his new white t-shirt.

“Okay baby.” He yawns, stretches out long limbs and cringes when he cracks his neck and it sounds like a construction zone. “Did you like it? Dragon vanquished, princess saved, happily ever after, all that good stuff?”

“It was Wall-E, dad.” she sighs, shaking her head as if saying ‘classic daddy’ and Yifan swears she’s rolling her eyes probably (which can’t be right because eight year olds shouldn’t know how to do that, or at least his eight year old shouldn’t).


Sophia laughs and lies flat on the floor, body heaving, and Yifan wants nothing more than to bottle up that sweet sound and store it away for darker days. “What are you laughing at?” Yifan nudges at her leg. “It’s bedtime, smart-mouth.” She stops at that and sits up almost immediately, makes her big, brown eyes even bigger and juts out her lower lip. Yifan snorts-he’s been immune to that for like, two whole days now. “Oh no, not this time.” Before she can protest, he has her over his shoulder and is well on his way to her room, all the while ignoring loud whines and cries about her being a young adult now! She has her rights and said rights include at least another Disney movie! It’s a Friday night for crying out loud!

Yifan is mid-eye roll and wondering where she gets this from before there’s three cheerful knocks on the door (strange-knocks aren’t supposed to sound cheerful, and yet…). Eight-year old still over his shoulder, Yifan checks the peephole and has to rub his eye with his free hand because there’s no way he’s seeing what he’s seeing right now. Yifan sets Sophia back on the floor and she immediately tries to make a run back to the T.V. set but is stopped by a large hand holding the scruff of her pink princess nightgown. “Bed. Now.” She pouts again and Yifan can feel part of his resolve crumble like cheesecake until there’s another three knocks at the door.

“Now.” The little girl huffs and stomps off, long hair flipping over her shoulder as she does so. Seriously, where does she get this from? Most certainly not Yifan, he can assure you that. Yifan runs a hand through his hair just as there’s another knock at the door (what’s with this guy). “Yeah yeah yeah, hold your horses,” he says to the Asshole on the other side of the door before swinging it open. “You know, normal people are trying to get some slee-“

“I’ve been dreaming of a true love’s ki- Oh. Well. This is a bit awkward” Yifan can do nothing more but gape at the sight before him, one he’s sure will unfortunately burn in his eyes for years, no, decades to come. A small man-very small, much smaller than Yifan-in some kind of…red, ruffle-y outfit with puffy sleeves and…tights? His blonde hair was styled up and made his face look quite handsome, with his apple cheeks and bright smile. Any other day, any other given circumstance (circumstances such as the man wearing something other than the Cirque De Soleil getup he’s currently sporting), Yifan might have-and that’s a very strong ‘might,’ mind you; Yifan’s only dated once after the divorce and God knows what a Mess that was-been attracted to this…singing street performer on his doorstep.

“I- we- I don’t want what it is you’re selling, thank you, goodbye.” Yifan stammers out, shutting the door, already trying to repress this memory.

“Wait, please!” the weirdo places his foot right between the door and the door frame (what the fuck is this guy…) “Please hear me out, I’ve been searching for someone for a good portion of tonight and-“ Goddamn, why does this guy have the face of a forest fairy prince but the strength of a fucking ogre who’s just had his swamp invaded (Yifan’s been watching nothing but kids movies for a solid month-it’s a problem).

“Listen, I don’t know what it is you’re looking for but I sympathize for you, I really do, but you’re not gonna find it here I can tell you tha-“

“Daddy?” Well, fuck. Sure enough, Sophia’s making her way down the hallway despite Yifan motioning with his head for her to go back to her room, her little dragon beanie baby clutched in her arms. “Daddy is everything okay I heard a noi-“ The beanie baby falls to the floor and Sophia simply stares at her father trying to get this potential home invader dressed like a Renaissance fair reject away from their door step, her eyes getting all big and starry. This isn’t good.

“AAAHHHHHHHHHHHH D- daddy! Daddy that’s a- that’s a prince a pri- DADDY! Stop being rude let the man in!” The little girl’s screeching and clawing at his leg to try and get to the door and if there’s a Hell then this is Yifan’s. Meanwhile the freak on the other side was understandably caught off guard by Sophia’s outburst and his face looks like a cross between shocked and weirdly flattered and validated. Yifan slams the door in the other’s face while he’s still off guard and lets out a triumphant laugh, one that sounds a little bit too much like Scar from The Lion King (it’s a problem).

Sophia lets out an indignant shriek, flopping backwards onto the carpet, kicking her feet in the air. Three years ago Yifan would’ve given in, picked her up while cooing. Not current Yifan, who knows she gets tired easily, so he just leans against the door frame until her legs stop kicking and flop to the floor with the rest of her. “I can’t believe you, father.” Father? “My prince finally came, and you sent him away.” She covers her face with her arm and lets out a deep sigh. “Eight years I’ve been waiting for this.”

“You’re eight years old.” Yifan reminds her.

“Not at heart!”

With a sigh, Yifan scoops up Sophia, her limbs dangling out of his arms because this is how she rebels apparently. “You may be only eight years old at heart but you still get cranky if you go to sleep any later than this so it’s off to bed with you, Princess.” She groans and Yifan almost misses the soft voice on the other side of his door. He shakes it off and returns to his first priority-getting his tiny monster to bed.

“One day my prince will come.” Sophia sighs softly into her pillow, tiny smile on her face. She used to remind Yifan so much of her mother-only recently did the comparisons stop and he realized if she resembled anybody, it was him.

“But your prince is already here.” She sits up a little at that and Yifan gently pushes her back onto the bed. “He’s tucking you in right now.” She groans but starts giggling and he tickles her sides and under her arms until she’s wheezing and has an iron grip on her dragon plush. “G’night, princess.” He gets up to leave but she pouts and he withers before leaving a soft kiss on her forehead.

“Goodnight, daddy.” She whispers, and it fills up Yifan’s heart with a warmth that he only feels at home with his princess.

When he returns to the living room, he still hears that soft voice at the door and rolls his eyes. He opens the door, cordless phone in his hand ready to threaten to call the cops if the weirdo doesn’t leave the premises. Except, weirdo isn’t there. Huh. Yifan steps out into the hall, clad in his white, stained shirt and Mickey pajama pants and matching Mickey slippers (it’s a problem). The guy’s at the balcony, light breeze blowing ever so slightly through his blonde hair, moonlight framing his face as he sings something very softly. “When you meet the someone who was meant for you, 'Fore two can become one, There is something you must do…” It…it sure is a sight (Yifan would later deny his heart beat just a little bit faster and it made him want to throw up out of nervousness).

“H-“ Yifan’s voice cracks just a little (he would later deny this as well), and he clears his throat, causing the guy to stop suddenly and turns to look at him, round cheeks rosy from the cold. “Hey. Weirdo.”

Said weirdo looks left and right before pointing at himself. “Are you…addressing me?”

“Who the hell else looks like a weirdo on this floor right now.” Yifan disregards his own Mickey Mouse attire. “Listen, your voice? Isn’t bad. My daughter’s birthday is coming up-maybe you could do something for her. I can tell she already would love to see more of you that isn’t just what you can see through the crack of the door.” Yifan laughs but the guy doesn’t. If anything he just looks confused.

“I…I’m sorry? I’m afraid I’m not a performer, but do wish your daughter a happy birthday for me; she seemed lovely.” He smiles and returns to staring out on the balcony. Weirdo.

“So…if you’re not like a birthday act, and I don’t think you’re a home invader….probably, then…” Yifan tilts his head to the side, contemplative.

“Isn’t it obvious?” the guy sighs without turning to even look at Yifan (rude). “I’m a prince.”

“Yeah, cool, same, anyways so are you like a…I mean I know most nerds love to go all out for the RenFair and-“

“I am not-“ the guy interrupts (again, Rude), and turns to face Yifan, head back and hands in his hair, “I…am a prince! The crown prince of Andalasia!”

“Oh god you’re drunk…” whispers Yifan, cordless phone close to his chest like a lifeline.

“I’ve slayed a rectangular dragon, was run over by a crowd of people riding some sort of foot pedaled horses, and have had my darling, my princess and queen, the love of my life, Krystal taken away from me.” The guy slides down against a wall and Yifan thinks he should’ve recorded this for Facebook-‘Drunk nerd on my doorstep? It’s more likely than you think!’

“Listen, dude, so someone stole your girl, we’ve all been there. Shit, I’ve been there.” Yifan sits next to the guy who looks like he’s this close to curling up in the fetal position.

“Really?” Christ, is he crying? “Did some force of evil steal your princess?” he looks up, eyes glassy. Yeah, he’s about to cry. “Did you have to search through these endless concrete castles just to find her- Have you seen her with another…another…”

“Another dude? Well…yeah.” He shrugs and this time the guy does go into a fetal position on the floor. He’s long since gotten over it, especially since he now has custody of Sophia. “But like…bruh. That’s just how life work sometimes.”

A sniffle. “Really?”

“Really. Sometimes you do all you can…fight a couple dragons…maybe in the end she doesn’t want to be rescued by you. Maybe she’s waiting for another prince. Or a princess. Or nobody. Life’s life.” Yifan sighs. He’s not drunk enough for this and comforting crying drunk nerds in the middle of a hallway just isn’t his forte.

“What do you mean…she doesn’t want to be rescued by me?” Guy on the floor sits up a little, looks up at Yifan (God he’s kinda short…Yifan didn’t notice that before…it’s kinda cu-) “Who else can rescue her if not her love? I- I…don’t understand.” He sniffles again, little nose crinkling.

“Dude, you said she was with another guy. Like, are you sure she loves you?” Yifan stares down at his Mickey slippers.

“Of course I’m sure!” he suddenly grips Yifan’s shirt sleeve and Yifan freaks out a lil because he doesn’t do clingy, especially not clingy drunk strangers in Final Fantasy clothes. “We- We’ve been through so much together! We’ve sung together, we almost kissed! I saw her this morning and I’ve never been so su-“

“Stop! Right! There!” Yifan almost screams because what the fuck. “You. Met her. This morning.”

“Yes you are correct.” Fucker actually looks proud and he stares off into space like a lovestruck kid.

“Yeeeaaahh, I’mma need you to stop. Listen. And learn, okay?” Yifan grabs the other by his shoulders and shakes him a little for emphasis. “You! Are! A! Dumbass!”

The guy looks stunned, as he should. “I beg your pardon-“

“I’m gonna say this once. You seem like the sheltered type--cute, innocent, probably a trustfund baby, right?”


“Love doesn’t work that way! Genius! Getting a hard-on for the first girl who looks at you isn’t love! Just because a girl is nice to you doesn’t mean she’s ready for marriage! Wake! The fuck! Up!” Yifan would’ve probably slapped him to drive the point home if the guy didn’t have such a pretty face (what the fuck).

“I- I- Uh.” The guy stammers and his face is a little red and okay, it’s cute, it’s really cute.

“Glad we’ve come to an understanding.” Yifan pats the guy’s face a couple times and stands to leave because fuck his ass, it’s nearing midnight and he’s gotta get up in a couple hours.


“What? You need cab fare or something?”

“Your…name. Please.” He almost looks shy about it and Yifan wants to jump into a hole.

“Yifan. Wu Yifan. I’m a partner over at Zhang & Associates so…not that hard to find out my contact info but uh…” Yifan hurries inside and digs around the little bowl he keeps his keys in before pulling out a card and handing it to the guy now standing at his doorstep. “There. You can talk to me about your weird girl troubles or if you just. I don’t know…wanna talk or anything…”

“Junmyeon. Prince Junmyeon.” Junmyeon smiles and holds the card like a precious jewel and Yifan’s heart punches itself. “Thank you. I most certainly will, Yifan!”

It’s been a couple days and it isn’t until Yifan and Sophia are eating Raisin Bran while watching a morning news segment of a dragon (an actual fucking dragon) climbing up the Woolworth Building, Sophia giddy and spilling her bowl to the floor while milk drips out of Yifan’s mouth, does Yifan get a call from an unknown number with the most soothing, soft voice on the other end.

day 14, *fanfiction, rating: pg-13, ship: suho/yifan

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