DAY FOURTEEN ★ work me up

Nov 21, 2015 21:55

Username: torontok
Prompt #: 36 [prompt details]College!au where class president Yifan's dating basketball captain Minseok after years and years of crushing on him and he doesn't want to disappoint him by telling him he's a virgin.
Title: Work me up
Ship: Xiumin/Yifan
Rating: NC-17
Word count: 4,000 words
Summary: College!au where class president Yifan's dating basketball captain Minseok after years and years of crushing on him and he doesn't want to disappoint him by telling him he's a virgin.
Notes: This was uniforms rush job and I'm really sorry to Kris, he deserved a better fic than this


Puberty is generally an awkward time for most children. For Yifan it was excruciating.

He’d been the first omega to be born into his family in almost four generations and a small panic had ensued as his parents and relatives tried to figure out how exactly to raise an omega teenager. A solution had emerged in the form of Great-Grandmother Wu, an ancient relic who lived on the outskirts of Guangzhou and who Yifan had only briefly glimpsed at family reunions.Every weekend his mother would drive him to the train stations, ignoring his protests and he’d be shipped off to spend time ‘learning’ from the old woman.

Learning really entailed doing chores around Great-Grandma Wu’s tiny house, shouting to be heard over the constant chiming of the dozens of cuckoo clocks she had decorated in every room, all of which seemed to be programmed to go off one after the other. Sure it wasn’t all that bad. She would let him order in every night and he never had to argue over what to watch on tv.And to give her credit, she did teach him about being an omega. Everything from how to handle his heats (“Eat lots of radish”) to how to fend off unwanted attention from alphas. (“Kick em in the stones”). Perhaps she’d gone a bit too advanced since Yifan is pretty sure her graphic descriptions of knotting are what left him scarred for life and perma afraid of sex. It’s probably why he’s 22 and still a virgin.

Okay, so maybe he’s exaggerating a little. He’s had his share of fun, make outs and hands down pants.But despite the countless offers, he’s always shied away from taking things further. He wants his first time to be special, with someone he loves. Getting fucked in a toilet stall by some guy he’d met hours earlier holds no appeal for him, although far be it for him to judge anyone who does enjoy it. College may be about no-strings-attached flings but Yifan’s never been good at that.

Things have changed now, he muses, as he stares down at the contents of the red pouch strewn across his bed spread. Various kinds of condoms, mini bottles of lube and oddly enough, a pack of Ferrero Rocher. Yifan isn’t exactly sure what purpose the last one is supposed to serve but Tao had insisted. The pouch had been a gift from him and Amber the day after he’d told them he wanted to sleep with Minseok, the colour a snide reference to his ‘still intact cherry.” (Tao had earned himself a punch for that one.) He’s been trying to figure out exactly the right time to use these supplies but each time he’s chickened out. Well, not anymore.

Minseok has been his longest relationship so far and after months of dating, Yifan feels like he’s finally ready to take it to the next step. The problem is, he’s not exactly sure about how exactly to get to the next step. There’s also the minor issue that he hasn’t exactly told Minseok he’s a virgin.


Amber is about five seconds away from dumping the remain of her half eaten burrito down his shirt, her hand thunking him on the back repeatedly. “Kris, stop being such a loser and just go say hi to him.”

Kris tries to bat her hands away, hunching down lower from behind the bleachers. “Shut up, they’re going to hear us.” On the field the players are finishing their cool down stretches, the coach’s whistle indicating they should all huddle. His eyes seek out a familiar head of auburn hair, a jersey with a bright red 99 on the back. Minseok’s not the tallest figure on the field but it’s easy to spot him regardless, the other players naturally forming a semi-circle by him as he talks and Yifan sighs wistfully. Amber is making retching noises behind him but he tunes her out as he watches the players make their way off the field, narrowing his eyes when he sees that the team's striker- the Chinese exchange student, Luhan- has somehow managed to worm an arm around Minseok's waist, hand a little too comfortable on his waist and Yifan wants to hit him. “Look at him he.” he grumbles

“Can’t blame him considering Minseok’s actual boyfriend would rather play stalker than go talk to him. “ Amber tugs him to his feet. “Let’s get a move on, they’re heading this way.”

Yifan really should know better by now than to trust Amber but he still isn’t expecting it when she pushes him, right as Luhan and Minseok climb the steps. There’s no way for them to miss him as he stumbles, contents of his backpack flying as he lands on his hands and knees. Amber rushes up behind him, hand clasped over her mouth in exaggerated shock. “Oh my god Kris, are you okay? Did you trip over that soda can? I swear, people these days have no idea how harmful litter can be.” Yifan glares up at her from his position on the floor, wanting nothing more than to lob his calculator at her. Then there’s hands under his arms, someone lifting him up and he follows suit. Minseok may be a head shorter than him but he’s got a surprisingly strong grip, supporting his weight with ease. He turns Yifan around to face him, dusting off his shirt for him. “You okay?” He asks, concern evident and Yifan nods, trying to keep the giddy smile off his face as Minseok checks his palms for injury, making a disapproving noise under his breath when he sees the scrape. “We should get that cleaned up, c’mon.”

“I’m fine, Minseok.” He sees Minseok’s teammates give him knowing smirks as they walk past and blushes, trying to extract his hand from the other’s grip. Minseok just shakes his head, gripping tighter and pulling him along. "No, I don't want you getting an infection." Amber pops up beside them, Yifan's now restocked backpack helpfully outstretched in her hands and Minseok slings it over his shoulder, continuing to ignore Yifan's protests as he drags him past a glowering Luhan into the team change room.

The space stinks of varying hormones, the almost chemically sharp smell of alpha hormones battling with the muskier beta ones and beneath it all, just the barest trace of sweet omega scent. He presses closer to Minseok as they pass through the changing area, Minseok's teammates all in various states of undress at the moment. One of the new kids on the team makes the mistake of wolf whistling at him as he passes by, only to cower under the force of Yifan's glare. "Jesus." he hears him mutter as they round the corner. "What kind of omega is that?"

Minseok can tell he's irritated but doesn't push the matter. He isn't the kind of alpha who'll start brawls over someone smart-mouthing him and Yifan is normally glad of that but right now he wouldn't mind letting that freshman punk get a bit beat up. Minseok stops rummaging through the first aid kit to place a hand on his arm. "Calm down, Fan."

And it's stuff like this that makes Yifan feel all fluttery inside as he cracks a smile, squirming away when Minseok tickles his sides teasingly. They've only been together for three months but they're already attuned to each other's emotions, can pinpoint what the other person is feeling through smell alone. Yifan knows couples who've been dating for years and still haven't mastered that. Minseok is gentle as he cleans the scrape on his palm before patting a bandaid on. Yifan snorts as he inspects the wound. "It really wasn't a big deal, Min. You're such a mom sometimes."

He gets a smirk in response, his boyfriend pushing the first aid kit off to the side as he comes to stand between Yifan’s legs, hands finding purchase on his thighs as he reaches up for a kiss. Yifan’s hand finds it’s way to his side and he marvels, as always, at how narrow Minseok’s waist is, even with all the working out he does. Minseok pulls away from the kiss and grins. “Am I dumb for worrying? Or smarter than you give me credit for?” He taps Yifan on the nose, leaning in to mouth along his jaw. “Listen.” Yifan tries to follow along but the scrape of Minseok’s teeth over a particularly sensitive spot by his ear. “We’re alone.” Minseok whispers and oh, now that he focuses, Yifan can’t make out the sounds of lockers banging and people talking anymore. Minseok pulls away, small hand covering Yifan’s. “And I still need to get to cleaned up.” The implication is clear.

The unevenly spaced tiles on the shower floor are doing a number on his knees but he ignores the ache in favor of gripping harder at Minseok’s thighs, mesmerized at the shift and flex of his muscles as he thrusts into Yifan’s mouth, hands tangled in his hair. Minseok isn’t vocal by nature but he makes it a point to stutter out praise, knows how much Yifan loves it. He doubles up his efforts, his knees are seriously starting to protest now, and Minseok comes with a throaty groan, thrusts getting erratic as he rides it out. Yifan waits for him to pull away before spitting and gets to his feet with a pained groan,. Even in his post-orgasmic haze, Minseok hears and gives Yifan an apologetic smile, rubs at his knees soothingly. “Sorry, babe. You should have said something.”

“You were enjoying yourself too much.” His boyfriend doesn’t argue, starts kissing his way down Yifan’s chest and he lets out a soft whine, tugging Minseok back up. “You have a game tomorrow.”

“Later than.” Minseok promises, pressing a kiss to his ear as his small fingers curl around Yifan’s cock. “I’ll make it up to you.”

The shower water is cold by the time they’re both cleaned off, shivering as they make their way from the communal shower to the changing area. Minseok finds clean towels and tosses one over Yifan’s head, chuckling at the yelp it elicits. They change in silence, occasionally pausing to locate various articles of clothing that had been hastily tossed away earlier. Yifan has just managed to wrestle himself back into his jeans when he hears Minseok call from behind him. “Fan, is this yours?”

He swears his heart stops for a few beats when he sees that Minseok is holding up the red pouch, the one that is supposed to be safely stashed away at the bottom of his backpack. He strides over to snatch it out of his boyfriend’s hand. “Nothing.” he says, voice too high pitched to be anything other than suspicious as he shoves the pouch back in his bag, ignoring Minseok’s raised eyebrow. His boyfriend doesn’t pry, merely slings both their bags over his shoulder, free hand linking with Yifan’s. “So tomorrow after the game, I come to your place?”

“Yeah. We can celebrate your bronze medal together.” Minseok snorts but presses a kiss to the back of his hand anyways. Yifan knows how much tomorrow’s game means to him. Minseok has captained their small university team to their best performance in history and although they’d missed out on the finals by a small margin, the third place game is still something they’re taking seriously. Minseok looks a bit more relaxed now as he walks Yifan to the bus stop, giving him one last kiss as the bus pulls up. “I’ll see you tomorrow, then.”

Yifan waves from the window, smiling dopily until Minseok is out of sight. Then he exhales shakily, feeling nervous all over again. This is it. Tomorrow Yifan will finally have sex. With Minseok. He’s ready for this. He really is.


He’s not ready.

It's the first thought he has when he wakes up, almost three hours before his alarm before his alarm is set to go off. He tosses and turns for a while, trying desperately to get back to sleep but it feels like the red pouch is mocking him from it’s perch on the dresser. Eventually he concedes defeat and kicks away the sheets to head for the shower.

Despit how early it is, all his housemates are awake, crowded around their rickety old dining table as they eat. Amber is making tiny pigtails in a still half asleep Yixing’s hair while Jia snaps pictures from the side. Victoria is perched in Tao’s lap, newspaper open in front of her as she feeds him. No one really knows what’s going on between the two of them.Yifan had once answered a call on Tao’s phone from ‘Mama’ only to have Victoria respond on the other end and that incident had cemented his desire never to learn more about their relationship. He takes a seat across from them and everyone turns to stare at him, even Yixing rouses briefly to give him a wave. He fidgets under their stares, wishing he’d stayed in bed. “What?”

Amber pushes a bowl of cereal towards him, grin bright. “Eat up, Fanfan, today’s the big day, isn’t it.” She ignores his mortified gasp, turning to address the rest of the room. “Fanfan’s going to sleep with Minseok after the match today.”

“Make love.” Yixing corrects and Amber waves him off. Tao snorts, perching his chin on Victoria’s shoulder. “It’s about time. I thought you two had signed some kind of purity pact or something.”

“Hey, there’s nothing wrong with wanting to wait.” Yifan defends, earning himself a snort. Tao presses a kiss to Victoria’s cheek, pouting when she continues to ignore him in favour of the stock market reports. “I wouldn’t wait, especially if I had Minseok. Not to mention when you have someone like Luhan gunning for your boyfriend too and if the rumors are to believed, he’s one kinky motherfucker.”

“No, that would be you.” Yifan snaps back, stabbing at his cereal with more force than necessary. The last thing he needs right now is to be reminded of Minseok’s very clingy ex. They’d dated for a short time, long before Yifan and Minseok has met but it hasn’t stopped people from associating them together. Yifan is well aware there’s an entire segment of the soccer team’s fanbase that is comprised of ‘MinHan’ shippers who hate his guts. He’s ignored them for the most part. But now that he knows Luhan is apparently some kind of sexual dynamo, he feels the first flickers of insecurity begin to creep in. Tao is in the midst of a graphic recounting of the time he’d come home to find Luhan and his roommate in a very compromising position (“I had no idea legs could even be used like that”) when Victoria looks up and hushes him with a look, before turning to face Yifan. “Don’t let these idiots scare you. You and Minseok love each other and that’s what matters. He’s a good alpha, he’ll take care of you.” She gives him a smile and Yifan feels slightly better. He pushes away his cereal bowl, chair screeching as he stands. “I should go get ready for the game. Remember, you guys need to be gone tonight.” Amber waves him off. “Yixing and I made plans, so we’ll be out of your hair and I think Tao’s staying at Vic’s tonight.” She reaches over to pat him on the shoulder. “Seriously bro, relax. Just remember that we have your back.”

Okay so maybe his roommates aren’t that terrible. It’s kind of weird to have a virginity cheering squad but he can’t deny that it helps.


He doesn’t get to see Minseok till the evening, his student council duties meaning he’s running around like a headless chicken trying to get everything set up for the visiting team and barking orders to his terrified freshman minions. The game is almost over by the team he manages to squeeze his way through the crowded bleachers to take a seat besides Jongin. “What’s the score?”

“Tied 1-1 right now.” Jongin shoves another handful of nachos into his mouth and Kris grimaces when some of the cheese sticks to the boy’s upper lip. “I think Minseok’s nervous. He doesn’t want it to go to penalties.”

If Kris squints, he can make out Minseok weaving his way through assembled players, a fiery auburn streak that yells instructions as he passes the ball to Luhan. Another player intercepts and the referee blows the whistle when it goes offside. Yifan can feel it, the sharp bite of Minseok’s frustration from all the way across the field as he yells at his players to get into position. There’s not much time left on the clock and if they want to score, it’ll have to be now.

Kris’ nails leave red half moons in the skin of his palms as he watches the players run, the team scrambling to block their opponents. Jackson gains possession and sets off towards their goal, the crowd roaring behind him. Minseok runs to his right, shouting for Jackson to pass and he does, barely slipping it past the opposing team’s defender. Minseok manages to get to it first and dribbles past another defender. There’s a split second where Yifan can feel him hesitating on whether or not to shoot and then he passes towards Luhan instead. And in perfect synchronization, Luhan receives the pass, kicking it past the goalie into the side of the net.

The roar of the crowd fades away into the background as Yifan watched Minseok run to Luhan, tackling him in a giant bear hug as the rest of the team rushes over to join in the celebration. The insecurity comes rushing back in when he sees Luhan hook an arm around Minseok’s neck, tug him down to press a kiss to his cheek. Jongin is on his feet besides him, throwing leftover nachos in the air as he celebrates with the rest of the crowd but Yifan doesn’t really feel like it anymore. Minseok is still surrounded by adoring teammates and Yifan cracks a smile as he watches them grab their captain and toss him in the air, ignoring his protests all the while. Jia, the the student council treasurer shows up to drag him away for the awards presentation. Yifan gets stuck with the dubious honour of holding the medals tray as their Dean passes them out. When it’s Minseok’s turn, he keeps his head down, not wanting to catch his eye but it’s hard when Minseok is only a few cm away, smelling like adrenaline and euphoria. The ceremony drags on until the Dean finally thanks everyone for attending and Yifan can drop the tray on the grass and get ready to leave.

Minseok catches him as he’s making his way to the edge of the field, arms wrapping around him in a squeezing hug and Yifan can’t help but reciprocate. Minseok is still in his sweaty uniform, the fabric covered in dirt and grass stains but the jpy on his face overrides all that as he links hands with him. “We won!”

Yifan laughs, swinging their arms a bit. “I noticed. Congratulations, babe.” Minseok’s smile gets a little bit wider at the endearment and Yifan feels warmth bloom in his chest. Maybe this isn’t so bad.

“Minseok!” The current bane of Yifan’s existence jogs up to them, shirtless and holding a large bottle of champagne. Luhan ignores him in favour of addressing the alpha. “The after party’s at Chanyeol’s place, hurry and we’ll catch a ride with Woohyun.”

Minseok looks torn for a second and shakes his head, indicating his linked hand with Kris. “I can’t. Kris and I already made plans.” Luhan finally acknowledges him, lip curling up into a smirk. ‘Yifan can come along.”

“Not really my scene.” Yifan mumbles, focusing on the toes of his shoes and he hears Luhan snort. He removes his hand from Minseok’s grip. “You should go.” he tells him. “The team will be expecting their captain to make an appearance.”

Luhan wraps an arm around Minseok’s waist. ‘See? Even your boytoy agrees.” The alpha’s scowl causes him to falter and he steps away a little as Minseok turns back to face Kris. “I’ll be at your place in an hour, okay.”

Yifan sulks on his walk back to his empty apartment, roommates having cleared out for the night as promised. The red pouch seems to be mocking him from it’s position on his nightstand and he’s filled with the overwhelming urge to throw it out the window. He settles instead for flopping on the bed, uncaring that he still has his coat on and that his sneakered feet are dangling over the edge. He lies like that, stewing in a weird mixture of resentment and loneliness until he hears the click of the front door opening, the shuffle of feet against the carpeted floor. ‘Fan?” he hears Minseok call but he doesn’t respond.

If Minseok is surprised to find him in his current position when he opens the door, he doesn’t let it show. Instead he kneels at the foot of the bed and unties Kris’ shoes, tugging each one off and lining them up at the foot of the bed. It’s a painfully tender gesture and it makes something in Yifan’s chest seize as he feels the mattress dip behind him, an arm teasing it’s way across his waist. “Yifan?” The concern in Minseok’s voice is now evident.

Yifan takes a deep breath before rolling over on his back to face him. ‘Let’s fuck.”

He’s definitely caught Minseok off guard now but he doesn’t give himself time to register the surprise on his boyfriend’s face. He seals their lips together, hands already making their way to the waistband of his uniform shorts and Minseok hesitantly starts to respond in kind. It’s different from their regular touching, Yifan not giving himself time to enjoy any of it as he scrambles to get his own jeans and shirt off, reaching blindly towards the bedside table for the red pouch, He accidentally knocks it to the floor and pulls away from Minseok with a curse as he leans over to fish it out from under the bed. The grip on his arm stops him and he turns to face Minseok. “What is it?”

“Yifan.” And oh . In all their time dating, Minseok has never used any of his alpha glamour with Yifan, never having been one to push his weight around in a relationship. The look in Minseok’s eyes is steely as he firms guides Yifan back onto the bed, turning so that he’s facing him. ‘What’s wrong, Yifan?”

“Nothing.” Yifan insists, looking everywhere but at his boyfriend. Out of the corner of his eye he sees Minseok run a hand through his hair, annoyance evident. “Yifan, come on. There’s obviously something going on, you’ve been acting strange since I spoke to you after the match. And then this-” he gestures between them. Yifan folds his arms across his chest, suddenly feeling very exposed. “Do you not want to sleep with me?”

“Yifan.” There’s no annoyance in Minseok’s tone anymore, only worry, “Of course that’s not what I meant.I just want to know why you’re behaving so strange. Is it because I went with Luhan to the afterparty?”

“No.Ye s.” Yifan clenches the bedspread between his fists, wanting nothing more than to hide under the covers. “I’m a virgin.” he blurts out and watches as Minseok’s face takes on a newer layer of confusion. “Okay.” is his hesitant response. “So?”

“I’m not like Luhan.” A tiny voice in the back of Yifan’s head is advising him to shut up but the words flow faster than he can rein them in. “I’m not some kind of sex god like Luhan and I have no idea what kinks are or how to go about them, I’ve never even had sex with anyone and I’ll probably be horrible at it and it’ll be terrible for you and-and.” he stops mid-sentence to inhale and Minseok takes that opportunity to climb into his lap and press a hand over his mouth.

“Okay, let’s start from the beginning. You’re a virgin.” Yifan nods slowly. “You want to sleep with me.” Another nod, this one quicker and red tinged. “And for some inexplicable reason, you’ve been comparing yourself to Luhan and beating yourself up for not as being as good in bed as you imagine him to be?” He doesn’t nod but Minseok can tell. “Yifan, you idiot-” his boyfriend stops mid-sentence, apparently realizing that the situation calls for more delicate handling. “Yifan,” he tries again, tone gentle this time. “Why didn’t you say anything?”

Yifan just groans, turning over till he’s face down against the pillow. Hopefully he can asphyxiate like this. He feels fingers running through his hair and resist the urge to lean into the touch. “Fan.” Minseok’s tone is amused as he continues stroking his head and if Yifan would look up, he’d see the fondness in his eyes. "Whatever you were thinking, it's wrong. All of it. I don't care that you're a virgin. And my history with Luhan means nothing. He's not my boyfriend." The bed shifts again as Minseok stretches alongside him, chest to back. "As for sleeping together, we'll talk about that in the morning. We probably should have had that conversation earlier anyways. But Fan-" and Minseok sits up to press a kiss to his ear. "I love you.I think you're amazing.And that's not changing anytime soon."

When Yifan finally opens his eyes again a few minutes later, the room is dark and Minseok is curled up behind him, breathing soft. Yifan doesn't get to be little spoon all that often and he feels safe like this, Minseok a warm comfort behind him. Maybe the night hadn't gone exactly as he thought it would but that's fine.They're okay and that's what matters most to him.

He does end up losing his virginity a few weeks later.An impromptu weekend trip to Jeju had been organized by Tao and they'd all gone along for the hell of it. And maybe it's something about the magic of the island or the local wine they'd had at dinner but when Yifan sees Minseok exit the shower in their shared hotel room, he knows he's ready.

It's nothing like the movies. It's sticky and clumsy, limbs getting tangled in clothes and a few near misses with the bedside lamp as they try to find a position to accommodate their height difference. There's laughter, as Minseok fumbles to get the condom on with lube slick fingers, letting out a triumphant yell when he finally succeeds. There's pain when he pushes in slowly and Yifan maybe cries a little bit. But the way Minseok kisses each tear away and is so gentle as he fucks him, stopping more than once to make sure he's okay, convinces Yifan that once they've had a few more tries at this, it'll be better. And he can't say he's unwilling to practice.

Probably the best part is being able to show up to breakfast the next morning and chuck the red pouch into Tao's face.

day 14, *fanfiction, ship: xiumin/yifan, rating: nc-17

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