I've been working on tagging my old entries on Livejournal. I'm not actually re-reading most of them, just scanning them quickly and deciding what to tag. I began doing this a couple of years ago (!) and never finished it, so I've restarted the process and have just hit the end of 2002 (I've been working backwards).
Some things that struck me:
~ I complained a lot about work. If this journal is turning into a Bun-centric one, well, there was a point where it was a bitch-about-work one (and a procrastinate-about-thesis one).
~ My life also involved a lot more time with my friends. Regretfully, this isn't the case any longer. My (child)free time is so limited that when I meet friends, it tends to involve a very select bunch of people. I see them because I want to see them; no time for casual chit-chats with acquaintances.
~ I sounded a lot more energetic and carefree back then.
~ I shopped a lot more. Or at least I wrote about the stuff I bought a lot more.
~ J and I had a lot of pet gerbils once (particularly from 2002 - 2005). They were adorable pets, and I didn't realise how much I missed having them.
It makes me feel a bit wistful, the unapologetically blithe way I sometimes wrote back then. Of course the past is always viewed with rose-tinted glasses, and not all the old entries were fun and cheerful, but basically life seemed a lot easier back then. Take this series of notes from my
wrap-up of 2002:
Looking Back on 2002: Random Memories Wrap-Up
a diamond on a Kiwi hilltop - playing house in Loyang - break a leg! put the metal to the pedal! - the strangeness of anaesthesia - housebound on crutches I discover TV and trashy magazines - 3 days and nights of waiting... to become a homeowner - work is a crazy whirlwind, swimming against the current - I hate my boss and her evil sidekick - my friends at work all leave one by one - Sex and the City rocks! - proofreading for money - learning to walk again is an unforgettable task - we get our third pair of gerbils - S and I have a crisis - The Gallery Hotel becomes our quickie getaway of choice - friends return from abroad and create ripples - I meet New Best Friend and she is a younger carbon copy of myself - Digicam splurge and no regrets! - J and I go through a surreal time-warp: now we own a flat and have to get legally married! Aargh! - fun Down Under; I love being free - getting a new job; life takes another turn - furnishing and decorating an apartment is an exhausting but immensely fun task - learning about wine is a lifelong affair - J and I hit the 4 year mark, and it feels great! - realising that you're 'growing up' is a constant surprise
So young, so optimistic, back then. Ah life.