Dec 12, 2011 00:16
In the latest installment of Pass The Bug in our household, I spent most of this weekend sick. If this is the same bug that got The Bun earlier, then I now fully empathise with how miserable he was. Like him, my fever went up and down depending on how many pills I could shove down my throat to keep it at bay; like him, I now have a nasty hacking cough and my inhaler has been recommissioned.
This weekend involved both good and bad timing. Bad timing because J happened to be on leave for an extra-long weekend and we had all sorts of plans. We took The Bun to the zoo on Friday which is just when my fever decided to strike. I managed to last for a couple of hours in the morning but by the time we saw the jaguars I had to sit down at every other exhibit, or lean against the wall because I thought I would faint. We had to cut the trip short, much to The Bun's disappointment, and go home.
The part about good timing is, of course, the fact that J was on leave on Friday. After we got home from the zoo I was mostly horizontal for the next twenty-four hours, so thank goodness he was there to pick up the slack, entertaining The Bun so that I could sleep uninterrupted.
The silver lining in all this? Since he was born The Bun has always showed a preference for me. J could be chopped liver for all that he mattered. Sometimes The Bun wouldn't even let J hold him or read to him. The relationship even got slightly Oedipal, but I kept telling J that a point would come where little boys realise that there's a boys-only club in the house, and they'd want a part of it.
So this weekend, it appears that the tides are beginning to turn. In an effort to avoid contaminating The Bun with my germs, J has been doing most of the Bun-related chores, like bedtime stories, baths, and meals. He also made extra effort to engage with The Bun more during playtime so that The Bun wouldn't get bored and then try to look for me and wake me up.
Perhaps it's all in the timing, but I also think it's in the extra level of engagement; unprompted, The Bun said several times this weekend 'I love Daddy' which was very sweet to hear. The Bun is not prone to displays of affection (sound like anyone you know?) so for him to say things like this is a big deal. J is very happy, of course. He used to bug The Bun for hugs and declarations of love but I always told him that desperation is the worst cologne. Now The Bun asks for his father when he wakes from naps, tells me that only Daddy can play with certain toys, and is definitely more firmly attached to J.
And me? I have no problem whatsoever relinquishing my title of Flava Flav in da house, if it means that I get to sleep undisturbed while The Bun is awake (impossible otherwise) and slacking off while J waits on HRH. I best enjoy it while it lasts, since J goes back to work on Tuesday. I predict The Bun will whine for J then, so it'll be fun times for us when we revert to our usual boring programming at home.