title: A College Life
pairing: YeTeuk, HanChul, EunHae and KyuMin
rating: PG
notes: AU Fic, Romance, Drama and Friendship
summary: College life should be fun.. with your friends and special someone by your side.. but how will they survive each conflicts about love.. and how will past decisions will affect your current situation..
Chapter One ||
Chapter Two ||
Chapter Three ||
Chapter Four ||
Chapter Five AN: Hello! wah its been a long time since i updated! im so sorry guyz.. ive been busy watching and looking at SS3 vids and pics.. lolz! here is chapter six! KyuMin lover are you ready? YeTeuk lover hold on tight and the much awaiting HanChul scene.. i hope you will not be disappointed.. Drama coming on the way! Enjoy!
Chapter 6
Kyuhyun played with his pencil as he leaned back in his chair and nodded his head to his Ipod. Sungmin looked up from his book and turned the Ipod’s volume all the way up causing Kyuhyun to throw off his headphones.
“Aw, did I disturb you,” Sungmin smiled and Kyuhyun rolled his eyes.
“Look this is boring as hell so how about you just give me the answers to the first test and we’ll call it a day.”
“Ok it is official you are dumber than you look. Dr. Shin doesn’t just keep the same tests each semester. He makes a new test, new answers, and new idiots like you are obviously the reason why.” Jyuhyun sat up in his chair.
“I’m not an idiot, look you have no clue what the hell I have to go through little mister perfect. Some of us actually have to bust our asses to stay in school.”
“Oh please like scoring touchdowns is real work.”
“Baskets, its baskets Sungmin, touchdowns are football not basketball, and I thought you were the smart one.” They both rolled their eyes and Sungmin put the book in front of Kyuhyun.
“How much hydrogen is in H2O,” Sungmin asked and Kyuhyun shrugged.
“Enough to fail me,” Kyuhyun said and Sungmin yelled frustrated.
“You are the same guy you were in high school,” Sungmin shouted and Kyuhyun smiled.
“So I guess you want to sleep with me then. You know pink sheets aren’t my thing but I would make an exception for you,” Kyuhyun laughed looking at Sungmin bed. Sungmin got up.
“That’s it, this was a huge mistake. Kyuhyun I get it ok, you get whatever you want because you are a jock, but you know what, you don’t get what you want this time.” Kyuhyun stood up as well.
“I’ve had you remember,” Kyuhyun smirked and tears welled up in Sungmin eyes. Kyuhyun looked down realizing it upset Sungmin.
“Sungmin I’m…”
“Get out and when I say that I don’t just mean for the night Kyuhyun. Get out of my room, this house, and my life. Find yourself another tutor who is willing to put up with your shit and kiss your ass,” Sungmin said and pushed Kyuhyun out of his room before slamming the door. Kyuhyun went to knock but didn’t. He sighed and walked toward the stairs. For the first time in a long time, Kyuhyun was ashamed of his actions. Sungmin was right, he always got what he wanted for the most part because he was an athlete. Teachers passed him in high school just so he could play and now he was in college but it wasn’t that way. If he failed, he would be ineligible and probably kicked off the team if he kept it up. What worried him more was that he hurt Sungmin. With any other guy, he would shake it off and just find another one, but Sungmin was different. He walked out of the house and to his room for some sleep after a long day.
The next day after theater, Yesung and Leeteuk went to Yesung place to study their lines. They were getting to the second act of the play and Leeteuk just sighed.
“What’s wrong that part was easy,” Yesung said and Leeteuk rolled her eyes.
“Says the Shinwa guy,” Leeteuk laughed and Yesung rolled his eyes.
“Look I know this stuff can be hard but you have to put yourself in the play. If you were Juliet and were talking like this, what would you be trying to say?”
“I would probably say this is too confusing and tell Romeo to speak in English,” Leeteuk said and Yesung laughed.
“This is English, just older English,” Yesung explained and Leeteuk shook his head as he looked down.
“You’re nervous aren’t you,” Yesung asked and Leeteuk nodded.
“Yesung I have never done a play before and this stuff makes me feel totally out of my league. Now we have to perform it in front of tons of people. I keep telling myself people won’t come to it but it is Romeo and Juliet,” Leeteuk laughed and Yesung nodded. Yesung placed Leeteuk hand in his and gave him a smile.
“No matter what, I’ll be there the whole time and if you screw up it won’t matter. We know how to help one another Jungsu, we always made a good team,” he informed and Leeteuk blushed.
“You haven’t called me Jungsu since you got here,” he said and Yesung blushed as well.
“Sorry, I forgot, do you not like being called that anymore?” Leeteuk shook his head.
“No I don’t mind, it’s just nice to hear,” he said and Yesung nodded. Yesung cleared his throat and began reading their lines again.
The next week went by great and Leeteuk and Yesung were actually starting to become friends. In a lot of ways they didn’t miss a beat even though they were apart for so long. They were going over lines that night in his room again like usual.
“Ok the orchard scene always confuses the hell out of me. I know they are talking and I’m guessing Romeo is sweeping me off my feet but what is he saying,” Leeteuk laughed and Yesung did as well.
“Ok let’s take it slow and I will explain.” Leeteuk nodded as they began to act it out. Yesung looked at Leeteuk then his script.
“But, soft! what light through yonder window breaks?
It is the east, and Juliet is the sun.
Arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon,
Who is already sick and pale with grief,
That thou her maid art far more fair than she:
Be not her maid, since she is envious;
Her vestal livery is but sick and green
And none but fools do wear it; cast it off…..” Leeteuk interrupted him.
“Ok stop right there, what did he just say,” he giggled and Yesung smiled.
“Romeo has finally made his way below her balcony and spots her. He is saying that she is the light that he has been looking for like the sun and the moon is jealous of her beauty.” Leeteuk nodded.
“That’s actually pretty sweet,” he smiled and Yesung nodded.
“Romeo is the ultimate hopeless romantic. He loves the idea of being in love and after he got his heartbroken he promised he would give up on love, but then saw you…..Juliet. You changed his life so quickly like the sun would to the night bringing in the new morning. In other words, you have enlightened him.” Leeteuk nodded his understanding and Yesung continued.
“It is my lady, O, it is my love!
O, that she knew she were!
She speaks yet she says nothing: what of that?
Her eye discourses; I will answer it.
I am too bold, 'tis not to me she speaks:
Two of the fairest stars in all the heaven,
Having some business, do entreat her eyes
To twinkle in their spheres till they return.
What if her eyes were there, they in her head?
The brightness of her cheek would shame those stars,
As daylight doth a lamp; her eyes in heaven
Would through the airy region stream so bright
That birds would sing and think it were not night.
See, how she leans her cheek upon her hand!
O, that I were a glove upon that hand,
That I might touch that cheek!”
He gave him a look and he knew Leeteuk was confused again.
“This is Romeo just pretty much drooling over her,” he laughed and Leeteuk did as well.
“Why does he say he is too bold,” Leeteuk asked.
“It’s like that feeling when you see the person who has swept you off your feet and you think, God they are so perfect how can I even measure up to them? He is simply feeling the same way at that moment. She is so beautiful in his eyes and he is sure that she couldn’t be truly feeling the way he is at that moment. She is looking up at the sky and heaven thinking about something else, not daydreaming about him.” Leetuk nodded.
“So Romeo is insecure,” he giggled and Yesung nodded.
“In some ways yea, plus he is a Montague and she a Capulet so he doesn’t know if she would be willing to take the risk. How about we skip ahead to your part?” Leeteuk nodded his understanding and then read his lines.
“'Tis but thy name that is my enemy;
Thou art thyself, though not a Montague.
What's Montague? it is nor hand, nor foot,
Nor arm, nor face, nor any other part
Belonging to a man. O, be some other name!
What's in a name? that which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet;
So Romeo would, were he not Romeo call'd,
Retain that dear perfection which he owes
Without that title. Romeo, doff thy name,
And for that name which is no part of thee
Take all myself,”
Leeteuk thought for a moment, “so is she saying that his name doesn’t really matter because she would love him no matter what?” Yesung smiled.
“You’re getting it,” he said and then continued to his part.
“I take thee at thy word:
Call me but love, and I'll be new baptized;
Henceforth I never will be Romeo,” he announced and Leeteuk smiled before reading.
“What man art thou that thus bescreen'd in night
So stumblest on my counsel?”
Yesung looked in Leeteuk eyes and spoke as if he were talking to Leeteuk.
“By a name
I know not how to tell thee who I am:
My name, dear saint, is hateful to myself,
Because it is an enemy to thee;
Had I it written, I would tear the word.” Leeteuk looked down before reading his part.
“My ears have not yet drunk a hundred words
Of that tongue's utterance, yet I know the sound:
Art thou not Romeo and a Montague?” They continued reading and becoming lost in the words as they sat on the bed. Yesung felt himself being drawn to Leeteuk and he looked into Leeteuk eyes.
“I have night's cloak to hide me from their sight;
And but thou love me, let them find me here:
My life were better ended by their hate,
Than death prorogued, wanting of thy love.”
Leeteuk looked in his eyes and soon their lips met. Yesung kissed him deeply and Leeteuk dropped his script before kissing Yesung back. He quickly stood up and regained composure.
“I have to go,” Leeteuk announced and Yesung got up.
“Wait you don’t have to leave. I’m sorry I just…”
“Yesung it isn’t your fault. We just got caught up in the moment but this can’t happen. I have a boyfriend and I love him so I won’t do this,” Leeteuk said and he nodded.
“I know Leeteuk, Kangin,” he said and Leeteuk looked at him surprised but said nothing.
“I might have been at Shinwa but remember my brothers were still in contact with me,” he said and Leeteuk nodded. He picked up his script.
“We both got caught up in the moment and I’m not upset, I just think I should go,” he said and Yesung nodded.
“Ok see you in class tomorrow,” he said and Leeteuk nodded before leaving. Yesung sat down on his and looked at the door.
“Goodnight fair saint,” he smiled and fell back on his bed touching his lips.
Hangeng helped Heechul out of the car as they came back from their date. The date was alright but not like usual. There seemed to be a tension in the air and they walked up to Heechul door.
“Can I come in,” Hangeng asked and Heechul bit his lip. Wanting Hangeng wasn’t the problem, becoming more attached was. He had been thinking a lot about them and Heechul knew he had to let Hangeng pursue his dreams. He didn’t want to hold him back but Heechul couldn’t put his heart through hell either. Before he could make up a lame excuse, her phone rang.
“Yea,” he asked and heard Leeteuk.
“Whoa what, you kissed him?” Hangeng looked at him confused and Heechul sighed.
“Jungsu hyung, calm down, you’re right you should be honest with Youngwoon about it. Ok talk to you later.” Heechul hung up and filled Hangeng in.
“Leeteuk and Yesung kissed while practicing for the play and he is freaking out so he is going to Kangin’s so they can talk about it. He feels really guilty.” Hangeng nodded.
“Wow I guess there is still something between them,” he said and Heechul smiled.
“You don’t know the half of it,” he mumbled and Hangeng looked at him confused. Heechul knew the real reason why Leeteuk broke up with Yesung. Leeteuk knew Yesung would refuse to go to Shinwa just to be with him and Leeteuk didn’t want him to regret it. He made the biggest sacrifice of his life and pushed Yesung away so he could pursue his dream. It was the hardest thing Leeteuk ever had to do and Heechul was realizing just how hard it was now that he was in the same predicament.
“Anyways, I better get inside to study. I have a test tomorrow in American literature,” he said and Hangeng looked at him as he crossed his arms.
“Didn’t you just have a test in that class?” Heechul gulped.
“I meant my other class, tests galore,” Heechul tried and Hangeng nodded slowly.
“Tests this close to midterms huh, never heard of that before, but then too I haven’t heard of a lot before like my boyfriend lying with a straight face,” Hangeng said and Heechul sighed.
“Hangeng I….”
“Heechul, if you don’t want me to come in then just say it but don’t lie to me,” he said and then walked to his car. Heechul watched him drive away and then sighed feeling horrible.
Leeteuk knocked on Kangin’s door at his frat house. He smiled and let Leeteuk in.
“Hey baby, what’s up,” he asked seeing the look on Leeteuk face. He grabbed Kangin face and kissed him tenderly causing him to fall back on the bed. Leeteuk broke away breathless.
“I love you,” Leeteuk managed to get out and Kangin looked at him surprised.
“I love you too so what’s going on?” Leeteuk stood up and began to pace.
“You know how I am practicing with Yesung for the play?” He slowly nodded.
“Well we might have accidentally kissed but don’t worry it meant nothing,” Leeteuk said and he stood up silent for a moment.
“Please say something,” he said and Kangin looked at him.
“My boyfriend just told me he kissed his ex what should I say?” Leeteuk sighed and Kangin pulled him close.
“Do you love him,” he asked and Leeteuk was taken back by the question.
“I love you,” Leeteuk said and he smiled before hugging him.
“Good because I plan on sticking around,” Kangin laughed and Leeteuk did as well.
“Good,” Leeteuk said and then kissed Kangin again.