Title: Touchdown Character/Pairing: Fujigaya/Nikaido Rating/Warnings: PG-13 Summary: Fujigaya is a bit of a hypocrite. Nikaido doesn't mind. AN: A short ficlet written for mousapelli for je100's Christmas (Chanukah?) drabble exchange thingy.
Title: Halloween Drabbles Pairing: Various Rating/Warnings: G to PG to maybe PG-13 but not really? AN: Written for the je100 Halloween drabble Trick or Treating thing.
Title: The Trouble With Boys Pairing: Sakuma, Iwamoto (not Sakuma/Iwamoto) Rating/Warnings: PG AN: Written for the je100 Halloween Trick or Treat drabble thing. For kiayro, who wanted Sakuma and Iwamoto.