Drabble a Day - Day #20 - Health Conscious - SPN

Feb 20, 2010 10:14

Disclaimer: I don’t own Supernatural and I make no money from this or any other fanfic I write.
Pairing or Characters Involved: Dean and Castiel
Category: General
Rating: G
Warning: None, really. Takes place after 5.07 - The Curious Case of Dean Winchester
Title: Health Conscious
Author: yellowhorde
Notes: I got this idea after watching episode 5.07 and seeing Dean throw away the remains of his cheeseburger. Knowing what he knows now, will he make healthier choices on his own, or will he need a little help and support to keep on track?

“Where are you?”

“Straight to the point, as always,” Dean mumbled. He gave their location, then, before disconnecting, added, “And bring some milk, will ya?”

Ten minutes later, Castiel appeared, hair rumpled more than usual. Snowflakes clung to his hair, trench coat, the carton of milk in his hands.

“Hello, Dean.” He held out the carton. “I brought this for you.”

“Gee, thanks, just what I always wanted.” He glanced at the label, frowned. Then he stared at Castiel in disbelief. “Skim milk, Cas? Really? I hate skim milk.”

Castiel looked contrite. “I know. But it is the healthier choice.”


word count: 100 (drabble), type: fanfic, fandom: supernatural, genre: general, character: castiel, pairing: none, character: dean winchester, rating: g

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