Hey guys did you miss me? Bet not

Nov 15, 2011 22:59

Now that I actually have time to write, my life is too boring for words.

What's been happening lately? Moved, got semi-settled in to the new place, dealt with getting the Bean comfortable in his new school and getting him a new violin teacher and all that fun important stuff. Other than that life is really catastrophically dull for the next few weeks, until college starts. But I missed LJ so I figured I'd make another stab at catching up here.

The upside of the boring months here is that I've been able to spend a ton of time with the Sprout, enjoying her company and her babbling and the fascinating ways her mind works. I feel like I missed out on so many good times in her babyhood what with having to work full time so this is a really pleasant change.

And also I've discovered the joys of drinking whiskey alone on Monday nights so it's not all bad! Why Monday? I don't even know. It just seems like when I have super shitty days they're always Mondays.

I'd be Occupying, what with all the free time, but... eh. I know there's kid-friendly stuff down there but I'm just scared to bring the Sprout along, I'm scared that violence is going to erupt like it has in other cities and I'm going to be the jackass who put my little kid in danger. I feel like an ass. I try to donate money and supplies when I can. But I just can't go down there.

So instead I sit at home and do an insane amount of laundry and color with my little girl and have movie nights and actual sit-down dinners with both the kids and I love it, but I can't wait to get out and about and have a purpose again. I am full of contradictions.

But I am NOT vast, even if I contain multitudes - I started exercising because I was fed up with my desk-jockey physique and lack of energy, and I've lost like 10 pounds and I have an actual muscle in my arm. Not a BIG one - my gun show is one of those sad little 99 cent waterguns, but at least one actual muscle per arm. Go me!
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