
Feb 13, 2010 12:03

Thankfully for the one holiday falling on Sun Feb 14, I get to use the continuous tense, holiday-ING. *chuckles*
It could well be grammatically incorrect but for now I couldn't care less as it best suits for what I do feel.. Off the hook from the need to go back office to work from 15-Feb right through 18-Feb.. woohoo~ 
Though the leave on 17 & 18 are "office closure" at the employee's own annual leave expense.. *grumbles grudgingly..*

Have not been writing much these days because have not been doing much of late. Except for the trip to Taipei, the books I read and quite amazingly I have not watched a single movie since 2010! Looks like the "KPI-movie" counter will drop even further for this year!

Random days of my travel in Taipei
Day 3-19 Jan 2010 (花蓮_太魯閣)
Day 4-20 Jan 2010 (台北101)
Day 6-22 Jan 2010 (九份)

I had also most recently celebrated my thirty fifth birthday with a simple gathering of friends over food/wine, & possibly favourite pastime, playing 2 rounds of MJ & poker card. The food and everything else was good but the pictures (most of my own pictures) turned out to be quite horrendous.. not because I appear older or anything.. But the pictures tells it all - I am developing a "built-in" swimming float! urrrggghhh...  In future, I should constantly remind myself to (a) avoid taking picture when I'm seated. If it cannot be avoided, to not slouch, to tug-in the tummy and smile brightly Or simply, tug-in that tummy whenever taking picture!

Of books...
Unknowingly, I have completed reading the 3rd book in the Twilight sage - Eclipse. There is only one more book (Breaking Dawn) left to read to know the outcome of whether Bella really did become a vampire, the cold one and if Edward is going to be the one to make her one of the Cullen family or would it be Carlise? Would Jacob be able to come to terms with Bella choosing to become a vampire (a natural enemy of the wolf pack in La Push) after working together with the Cullens to get rid of Victoria & her army of 20+ new, young vampires created for the sole purpose of seeking revenge on Edward? (for destroying her mate/companion, James)

The only other book I have read besides the Twilight saga, are 2 other books by James Patterson. I am still reading the 2nd book as of now and is highly intrigued by development of the chararcter in question, Alex Cross.

travel, blah

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