7 days later

Jan 16, 2010 13:13

Thankfully, 7 days later the "blister"like cold sore on my lip is gone. Leaving now a small part of it to be completely dried up and peel off on its own.

At work, a group of us signed up for putting up a dance performance on the upcoming annual dinner & dance on the 29-Jan. Practise or rehearsals have been on going...Counting the steps/beats and at the sametime dancing as naturally, wearing a smile on our face while dancing, the muscle ache etc All these made me feel like reliving the days during which we were practising for the SYF competition during my Pre-U days. I wonder how the performance will turn out on that day it self.. *chuckles*

"Count the beats.. & feel the music" is what our instructor always says to us... You all are suppose to dance together so uniformity must be there.. its not you dance your steps/pace; and i dance my steps.. Wonder if she fainted or wanting to faint teaching us these long time never exercise and stiff-bodies "dancers"..lol


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