since i can't listen to music and work simulateously...

Dec 11, 2005 13:41

the popular meme-of-the-moment
Take the first sentence or 2 from the first (only?) post of each month of 2005. That's your year in review.

January: i've had a lot of interesting revelations/scary thoughts lately, but because no one actually expects me to treat this like a journal, i won't post them here.

February: Nathan's package FINALLY came

March: Well it's been a while, hasn't it?


May: Oh Gods of the M&M Mars/Hershey Hegemony, you have answered my prayers!

June: so my new room is really small and connected by french doors to my parents' room...

July: dresden dolls is an amazing band



October: "According to the Mythical Beasts Quiz, I am a DRAGON"

November: so apparently my eating habits are weird enough that a daily update has been requested.

December: so last night after halo and watching some out-of-nowhere drunk vs. sober fighting this one kid whose name i can never remember and I burned random things outside on the balcony of the kitchenette we were in.

i like how some months just don't exist on my LJ. and just because i'm not done with this CD i'm going to juxtapose this with my myspace journal:

January-March: *account is nonexistant*

April: so this is my own personal little piece of internet

May: If I ever write a song, that[barefoot in a cemetery]'s the title. I don't care what the song is actually about.

June: I have returned.

July: oh man ohio is a great place for good food, or at least this part of it is, compared to AZ.

August: i was reminded again today that my new home isn't as new as it seems.

September: note: this post would have been a really cheerful account of breakfast in the mysterious Room 1809, which involved way too many chocolate chips and blueberries and salmon and ham, among other things; and probably also last night's amazing misadventures at kroger and video gallery, except that today has been too full of bad news for me to honestly do that. so deal with it.

October: So i just finished reading Fight Club.

November: I wonder what i would be like if i had grown up in a really poor family.

December: so last night after halo and watching some out-of-nowhere drunk vs. sober fighting this one kid whose name i can never remember and I burned random things outside on the balcony of the kitchenette we were in.

my conclusions are thus: firstly, this summer i basically ditched LJ for Myspace and am now attempting to work out an agreement between the two. also, though I sometimes copy and paste entries,I usually talk about completely different things for each one. furthermore, the most interesting posts are not often the first ones of the month. in addition, i haven't learned much about my year from this at all. overall, I really like using adverbs at the beginning of my sentences. finally, I am happy to say that my objective is complete and this CD is almost done playing.

meme, livejournal, introspection, existence

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