
Nov 30, 2007 18:13

I just found BLACK Food colouring!!!

This is the most amazing thing i've ever come across!! (I know, i must have led a very boring life) But it is pritty kool.

To fully appreciate this find, you must understand my long love of food colouring. I have a deep interest in baked goods in weird colours, so much infact that in the 10th grade, i made pink and blue cupcakes in our home economics class. The were a dark brilliant blue and i loved them! In year 11 I did a mockumentary of a band that i made up, which included a filmclip with vampires that i directed, did the makeup and costuming for and costarred in, and guess what coloured the fake blood... Thats right, trusty pillar-box red food colouing! So finding black food colouring has broadened my horisons! So i bought it so that if it suddenly disappears from the shelves of the supermarket (which it probably will) atleast i have one bottle to create evil plans with!
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